Blackberry to be banned in India ?? Security Issues

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@Shripad: The problem with your post is that it's naive.

It's not about intelligence agencies having the ability to gather information when needed. It's simply a wishlist of intelligence so that they can stay relevant despite their ineptitude and lazy and corrupt ways. It is also a wishlist from the government because even though India may not be a police state, there are enough people around who would like to have access to private information that belongs to citizens.

Only a fool will think that India doesn't have a valid security concern, but going after BlackBerry or Google is simply stupid because it will cause more inconvenience to your own citizens than terrorists. It is also waste of resources and time. There are better things that government ought to be doing as far as security of the nation is concerned. Resources are finite and instead of putting them to get some cheap thrills like monitoring BlackBerry communications or reading emails on the web, there can be put to use in a better way on the ground.

But of course, you are not supposed to understand it. Fed terror hype, paranoid rants and faced with imaginary enemies, most of us have learnt to ignore the corrupt and lazy ways of our exalted security agencies.

As far as "our company argument is concerned", I will support that all MNC coming to India are forced to comply with "our laws" the day we bring down corruption from our departments (including judiciary) and the day we get a rock-solid legal framework and institutions that can uphold ethics and norms and not lick the feet of politicians or bureaucrats.

And yes, you talk about the "proper warrant". Does that thing even exist for the local SHO of your area unless you are an MLA? A cop comes to the house of a taxi driver without a warrant, he refuses him entry and he can very well shoot him; place a pistol at the spot and can claim he was a notorious criminal killed in an encounter. The cop will be a f**king hero in next day's newspaper.

RIM is always known for its arrogance. They should be taught a lesson. Not that India is going to die w/o them need for the long post of urs ! Just compare how difficult is it to get a US Work Visa vs Indian Work Visa ...Double standard nation MNCs should be screwed once in a while :rofl:
^^ I have no problem is somebody decides to screw RIM. But think of all the people who carry BB phones... I mean just the inconvenience, for no particular reason. If there is no inconvenience, throw out RIM from India. No issues.

And yes,I don't believe security agencies when they say that taming RIM or for that matter Nokia just because there push mails are encrypted is the best way forward as far security of the nation is concerned.
hatter said:
Sorry to be a little rude, but I believe that is because you have never read Kafka you've read Kafka. That must give you leverage. Sheesh.

The intentions of the Government have little to do with security. At least not the people's security. Another way of curtailing freedom and infringing on the privacy of individuals so they know what everyone is up to. Same as the UID, same as the ISP laws.

In the name of national security too. We're slowly turning into US mark-II. Sad.
TheBellJar said:
Same as the UID, same as the ISP laws.
60% budget cut *COUGH*

Hrrm, so when's this show gittin' down, next week, when will things be in the clear ?

Or will it be vanish quietly like last time...
agantuk said:
The govt must be really stupid to be thinking this way. "We are dumb enough not to figure out what an email is, so please stop encrypting stuff". :rofl:
hey come on, do you really think it is only AMBIKA SONI who brought this into notice, there are India's finest brains behind it.

do not only feel proud by forwarding emails about Indians working in nasa & ibm & microsoft.
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m.khurana said:
I wish they get banned...
I hear this dialogue at least 2 times in a day from my boss "u r given blackberry's not to flaunt but to take action (and reply) to all mails u get"
I would like them get banned for this sole reason.
Have seen friends work round-the-clock like bonded labourers. :(
Those who get BB on their own, to stay connected all the time, to be accessible all the time, etc. conveniently avoid calls etc when the need arises. :P
So down with this humbug. :P
I think the problem is most western intelligence agencies can access RIM's data but perhaps the folks in India can't so I think their request for RIM to make that available to them is legitimate in that sense, I think it will be naive to believe western governments would let RIM exist with encryption they can't access given the current climate over terrorism.

However from the wider perspective of individual privacy this is more evidence of ever increasing state encroaching on individuals. However the fact is this is done routinely so I don't know what is the answer.
From what I know, the US doesn't allow any operator to operate in the country without allowing them to snoop in their data.
raul said:
I think the problem is most western intelligence agencies can access RIM's data but perhaps the folks in India can't so I think their request for RIM to make that available to them is legitimate in that sense, I think it will be naive to believe western governments would let RIM exist with encryption they can't access given the current climate over terrorism.

However from the wider perspective of individual privacy this is more evidence of ever increasing state encroaching on individuals. However the fact is this is done routinely so I don't know what is the answer.

I'm not sure whether western govts have the keys to decrypt or whether they have the computaitonal resources to crack the encryption anyway.

Therefore privacy is not endangered over there but it will be over here.
why indian govt want BB server in india is same as why dogs chase cars...

They have no intentions or knowledge of using it but just get pride and sense of satisfaction in barking over and creating a fuss over it!!
Shripad said:
The problem is, even in western countries like USA there is provision to get any email/sms of any person from the operator with a judge order. Even BB has to comply with that.
In the US they have the keys to the encryption so they can decrypt anything they want.

Apparently this does not violate privacy because you are told upfront about this.

Shripad said:
Here BB simply put their hands up saying they won't do this as content is not on Indian servers.
This is the main reason govt is after them again.
Correct no servers here so BB does not want to give them the keys.

Which makes me wonder in which country they are in btw ? Singapore, elsewhere ? Its certain that wherever they reside, the govts of those countries have the codes, i suppose its a hassle for our govt to liase with them to get the required info.
Shripad said:
Its not like they will be sitting somewhere monitoring each and every mail. But it should at least be doable when they want to monitor terror suspects, domestic criminals etc. At the moment they can't do that with BES.
Lol just another pathetic attempt by our sad govt to snoop on people in the name of national security.

India doesn't have the infrastructure required to monitor blackberry traffic let alone other forms of communication...all your private data is just begging to be leaked online.

Look at the UK - its a complete nanny state, watch as you are slowly stripped of your privacy, then your rights and indiviual freedoms in the name of security.

Thomas Jefferson said - He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.
zibalingz said:
Lol just another pathetic attempt by our sad govt to snoop on people in the name of national security.

India doesn't have the infrastructure required to monitor blackberry traffic let alone other forms of communication...all your private data is just begging to be leaked online.

Look at the UK - its a complete nanny state, watch as you are slowly stripped of your privacy, then your rights and indiviual freedoms in the name of security.

Thomas Jefferson said - He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.
You are mistaking privacy for freedom here.

You are free to do whatever you want. Its only when what you do is against law and/or national interest then you have to start worrying.

UK has whole different set of problems. Its problems go well beyond being a nanny state. It has real financial, racial and social issues and to add to that it wants to be a capitalistic state.
Stupid government and even more stupid people who support it on such issues. We real have problems in India... five people died today in Delhi in electrocution due to puddles and loose wires result of apathy, corruption and plain laziness on the part of the government and civic bodies. Whenever it rains in Mumbai, its streets flood and when it pours in Delhi, you always get caught in hour-long jams. Kashmir is burning, Naxals are real problem, and criminals can get away easily as they give hafta to cops, politicians. And all the government and people (91% wants ban on Blackberry according to TOI poll) can think of is "Blackberry is a terror threat". Funny thing is that tech savvy guys, which I believe frequent this website, could have easily seen the fallacy of ban on Blackberry. But even most of them are blind due to "patriotic blinkers".
BlackBerry to give India partial access
The article says that India has set 31st August as the deadline for RIM to provide access to its BES emails and the BB Messenger.
What I need to confirm is, if RIM doesnt meet the Gov requirements then I wont be able to use any my email accounts? Or is it just for the Microsoft Exchange email accounts?
I have been using BB for an year now and the push email service has become pretty important to me. Wanted to try out some Android phone but then not able to give up the BB. If the BB services get banned then it will surely be a disappointment.
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