Blast outside Delhi High Court : 9 dead

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trigger said:
care to explain please..
9 out of the 10 were killed in 26/11 ;)

Yet ppl still whine about why the remaining one hasn't been executed. You still had a cpl of blasts in maha after, yes ?

Its just politics and ppl falling for it. Got nothing whatsoever to do with preventing anything.

ggt said:
hmm so once these dreaded terrorists are out they can enter politics and kill you slowly :no:
Or introduce the concept of consecutive sentences otherwise free to go at the end of the term.

This system where you serve a life sentence anyway and then get executed after is nonsense.

There was a good debate on death penalty last saturday on this new show called 'your call' on NDTV with swapan da & mani shankar aiyar at a law school in Delhi.

Both were against death penalty.
mjumrani said:
That place is supposed to be one of the most highest security zones in Delhi.

With those fat lethargic policemen cantering about, we dont have any security.

It seems secure only cuz of number of people around. They havent learnt anything in so many years, they wont learn anything now either.

Ask them to run for half a kilometer and watch them crap in their pants. The most amazing part is that with the size of their paunch they still have the gall to say that "Khaaney ko nahi milta saab"

Bloody idiots.
blr_p said:
9 out of the 10 were killed in 26/11 ;)

Yet ppl still whine about why the remaining one hasn't been executed. You still had a cpl of blasts in maha after, yes ?

Its just politics and ppl falling for it. Got nothing whatsoever to do with preventing anything.

Or introduce the concept of consecutive sentences otherwise free to go at the end of the term.

This system where you serve a life sentence anyway and then get executed after is nonsense.

There was a good debate on death penalty last saturday on this new show called 'your call' on NDTV with swapan da & mani shankar aiyar at a law school in Delhi.

Both were against death penalty.

By the same logic, if a terrorist was to kill almost all members of parliament when session was going on and he's caught red handed and put behind bars for 10 yrs, he should be let free after that? hmm, so politicians digging their own grave? sounds great!
CCTV surveillance is a joke in India. I'm actually pretty sure that half of the places that do have surveillance probably don't back up their feeds. It's a pretty sorry situation.
Another joke are the Indian intelligence agencies. Intelligence agencies should be responsible for preventing these calamities.

When the army has to come in to save an elephant stuck in a well, you know something is seriously wrong.
This is a general rant, but most of the things plaguing the country are because of the lack of common sense, education and of course ignorance.
So many bomb blasts... people have stopped keeping count. Indian security apparatus is truly useless. And being under the authority of the current govt makes it even more worse.
Security in India cannot work like the security in a country like UK or USA, simply because of the number and type of people we have.

I am from an industry which installs CCTV cams (as part of a broader business), and believe me when I say it, none of the "GOOD" companies can ever enter this market because of the baboons sitting in the management who have the decision making power.

We have so many advanced technologies when it comes to surveillance, but you cannot get anything done in public sector without :

1. Having to Bribe someone.

2. Having to put an additional protective equipment, just to protect the equipment which was installed for tat very purpose. FAIL !

My organization being a big conglomerate has a strict NO-NO policy for bribes and under-the-table dealing, that is why we never take public sector projects ! It is a shame !!
Basically it boils down to the value of people (not life) here in India. Which sadly is NULL. Our government loves to close the barn door once the donkey has run out. And then as usual embroil the population in the plethora of administrative mumbo-jumbo/red tape bureaucracy/pseudo high level security. They rather sit back in their offices and pass bills to blanket ban file share servers and suggest protocols to monitor FB feeds for terrorism. They request us citizens to be vigilant at the micro level (check for unattended objects) -- fine we will, but can they at the macro level also do their job. How do these elements get into India. The 'sarkar' implements ID-proofing for wireless devices, photo scans at cyber cafes. These are mere deterrents for proper functioning of society vs. a mechanism/measure to curb this menace. Plus the sissy-a$$ed spine of our leaders (see the issue with Bangladesh) with our neighbors make it a far fetched 'dream' that we can ever expect security. People harp that we should go and vote. For what...? To choose between cow dung and horse sh$$. Would rather sit at home.

Sad. :(
broadway said:
So many bomb blasts... people have stopped keeping count. Indian security apparatus is truly useless. And being under the authority of the current govt makes it even more worse.
Hows this for a theory..

For so long we've always said it was because of our neighbour. Therefore the solution lay in getting that neighbour to stop. We basically excused ourselves from the responsibility of securing ourselves. Just blame the neighbour :)

Whereas the army does not complain about our neighbour when infiltration occurs over the border, their job is to stop it and they do & try most of the time. The trick is would seem is to get our politicians to agree that we have a problem within and secure ourselves regardless of what the neighbour may or may not be doing.

Was wondering whether the current visit to Bangladesh might have had something to do with it, those that do not want our two countries to have good relation but Raman nixed that idea, he sees a pattern here where the judiciary had been under attack since 2007.
Agreed. Pinning the whole blame on pakistan is just way to shift the blame. But we have to acknowledge the fact that the trouble makers cannot function independently without outside guidance.

I think attacking pakistan in response to its proxy warfare affects our strategic goal of isolating that country to engage along within it's own chaos.

Exploding bombs garners no purpose other than a few lives and affecting normalcy. The guys have figured out that they can keep doing what they are doing without getting caught. Afzal guru should have been disposed off like the americans did with bin laden(no body, nothing). It's a battle of psychology. Playing a "victim" is just a justification of their actions.
broadway said:
Agreed. Pinning the whole blame on pakistan is just way to shift the blame. But we have to acknowledge the fact that the trouble makers cannot function independently without outside guidance.
The point is the army does not care who sends infiltrators, their job is to stop them. They don't complain & whine about it, they just do their job. We've had loads of domestic outfits over the years, the job of those in charge should be to prevent them from succeeding reagrdless of who they are or who supports them. In fact who supports them or what their cause is irrelevant in the big picture.

broadway said:
Exploding bombs garners no purpose other than a few lives and affecting normalcy. The guys have figured out that they can keep doing what they are doing without getting caught.
Exactly, and the cost to carry out these attacks is very cheap so we can be sure of more in the future. And of course we will ask the same questions, hear the same answers and so on.

Was watching fareed zakaria on FTN and sagarika was asking him to comment on the situation here and draw parallels with the US and talk about why there's been no attacks since 9/11. He mentioned that in India there is no effective police force, its a patronage network.Basically ppl are in their jobs out of favour to somebody, govt jobs for life with a pension afterwards. The cops really don't know their areas at all, there is no outreach. The beat system is something new here whereas its been in practice for ages abroad. Cops that don't know their turf can't be expected to do a proper job. Fareed also slammed the inteliigence services saying nobody talks highly of them or their abilities. They are also substandard and there seems to be no real attempt to improve anything.

In short there seems to be no will to really tackle this issue. Now you can get into politics about it but i think its a systemic problem ie does not matter who is in office there will still be attacks, then we blame our neighbour or make zero-tolerance useless speeches but nothing really changes. Saying that if opposition comes to power then things will change is at best a faith argument with nothing to support it. Blaming political parties is just another way at dodging the question, another way to sabotage the discussion.

I'd like to get Kiran Bedi or KPS Gill's take on this issue. They're no longer cops and can speak more freely. They are the type of ppl that talk straight and dont give a damn who they offend.
Well the situation with the US is a lot different because they hit back, real hard. Their intelligence agencies are the standard against which others are measured. Though you have to realize that the population there is 1/4 th of what it is here. They don't have a neighbor promoting terrorism to weaken their integrity.Anyways at the current point of time, it's stupid to draw comparisons between them.

Until India develops a strong Intelligence Bureau no one is really safe. Army is already doing what it can. In general it is not the job of the Army to maintain internal security.
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