PC Peripherals Blue Screen of Death Error

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My System working perfectly since I bought it last year,
there were no issues till today Morning

In morning, when I start it I got Blue Screen of Death Error-

I amazed to have such Error
Neither I have installed any New Hardware nor Software
I can not Format as I have not Backed Up data

So any Solution apart from it to Overcome this Error?
Annoyances.org - SESSION3_INITIALIZATION_FAILED Win XP (Windows XP Discussion Forum)

Most of the people who are facing this are getting the error while installing Windows with a bad disc. Others who have the same problem as yours, have solved it by disabling the hardware causing the trouble, generally the CD/DVD-ROM/RW drive. Try doing that.

If it doesn't help, remove all unnecessary devices (Printers, extra Hard-disks, USB devices, Optical Drive etc). Also run your system on only one stick of RAM if you have more, and only the primary OS hard-disk. Leave in the Keyboard mouse too. If that helps, then just put back one piece of hardware back at a time till you determine what is casuing the issue.
I followed your Instructions.

I run PC by removing VIDEO CARD, USB ACCESSORIES, DVD RW, but I am Still facing Same issue
Did you try booting up the computer in Safe mode and Lkgc?

If no go..

Boot from Windows xp cd and run Chkdsk /r from recovery console

used to get on vista ages ago :D bt suddenly i gt tht error again whn i was using ma dads laptop .. whn i plugd in the net wire in rj45 :\ .. its mostly a s/w or h/w error .. it can also occur coz of frequent use of internet !! virus bhi ho sakta hai !!

If all the options are closed jst rmv t hdd attach it to other system .. bkup t data .. thn format it :D .. reinstall os ;)
rocky_pratik said:
Did you try booting up the computer in Safe mode and Lkgc?

If no go..

Boot from Windows xp cd and run Chkdsk /r from recovery console


Dude, its Already Done
Those are Noob Steps :ohyeah:
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