Bluetooth Dongle

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Get anyone... It does not matter.. And after that just plug it in.. Hope u have SP2..because it has MS drivers for Bluetooth...
eh ..... 6600 the controversial bt set .. i've sene it to fail working with some bt's dont know hy maybe older firmwires.
btw if u have the new 6600 black one it shudnt be a problem get anyone but yea a bt 2.0 3 mbps transfer rate etc etc dont cost u 300 but 2000 :P.
but a 200 bucks one wud siffice it comes with ivt bluesoil i think.
x86 said:
eh ..... 6600 the controversial bt set .. i've sene it to fail working with some bt's dont know hy maybe older firmwires.
btw if u have the new 6600 black one it shudnt be a problem get anyone but yea a bt 2.0 3 mbps transfer rate etc etc dont cost u 300 but 2000 :P.
but a 200 bucks one wud siffice it comes with ivt bluesoil i think.

I dont think 6600 had any probd with BT.Also,that bluesloil s/w is VERY confusing for first timers better to get SP2 which has MS BT drivers which r simply amazing!

Another thing is 6600 for that matter any older phones don't have BT 2.0 so no point buying that.
yea is there any BT dongle available for 150 bux ?

wanted to keep one in the wallet all the time 2 carry around.
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