bluetooth stereo headset required.

i am too looking for such great products since long time. if anyone here knows, post it here. i plan to buy moto rocker ka bluetooth headset though :p
Ank1t said:

Hi Ank1t..

thanks for the link. I too had seen this product but didn't know it was available so cheap in india. But theres one prob.. to listen to streaming music we need the DC800 home stereo adapter which is sold seperately and not with the package as with the X5.
Any idea where that will be available and how much the adapter would cost?

- Dinesh
Man's worst enemy is a functioning conscience.
U need it if u want to use the headset with Mp3 players and PC.
Else if u want to use it only with ur cell and ur cell is A2DP enabled then u wont need the adapter.