Hi Guys,
Iwanna buy a bluray drive for my pc i have many doubts here
My major use is to Watch my original Bluray Collection on PC
Is it better i go with Blu drive or with Bluray Burner?
if Bluray Burner is the media available at a reasonable rate
What Company shuld i go for?
What is the cost be around?
Suggest me some shops @ Bangalore pretty new to this place
Iwanna buy a bluray drive for my pc i have many doubts here
My major use is to Watch my original Bluray Collection on PC
Is it better i go with Blu drive or with Bluray Burner?
if Bluray Burner is the media available at a reasonable rate
What Company shuld i go for?
What is the cost be around?
Suggest me some shops @ Bangalore pretty new to this place