BMC trouble , to Put BMC approved Water Tank Cover

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Hi Everyone
I need a solution to this. I have an overhead Sintex Water Tank with original Cover provided by the company itself. The BMC claimthey have come up with a new law that only BMC approved Covers are to be used as the earlier cover hold water in the cover gaps and lead to Malaria Harvesting Mosquito. And as usual the best part is, its available only through BMC authorised seller and they are expensive than the whole tank itself.
Anyone has a solution to this or ever heard of such a thing. Am I being taken for a ride. The problem is, if we ask the BMC person for such notification they get offended and trouble more.

For every Question, there is an answer somewhere..........


Go to your area Corporator (Nagarsevak/Sevika) and tell him/her about incident and ask for help.
Once complained to Nagar Sevak earlier for some issue, every year he used to comes for Diwali Gift and cauldnt say no. Some how have dissuaded them.

I am trying to find if this notification is actually there or just a gimmick to extract money.
^ Why don't you ask those guys for the circular / notice? Even if mandatory, there must be a time period or due date to get this done....
^ They had issued a notice , that over head tank is a malaria breeding ground with test result as positive. There were 2 more person with such notice. Got the tank cleaned and the Cover is there. But they insist to use BMC approved once. In a joking manner requested him to giv his ID card so I can complain to sintex that BMC has an issue with the cover and to provide a solution. Which he denied. He gave the BMC approved cover supplier number. They visit every 10 to 15 days.

Further there are more than 50 tanks but all are not issued this notice, which he claimed to do over a few days. Asked him to clear my complain as its free from any Malaria Harvest issue and when others change cover even I shall get it done along with them. Initially he had given a weeks time. The fine as informed is 5to10k. I dont wanna make a fool of myself in either way, bribing or buying the cover for 3.5k. Not sure when he will turn up again but will fight even if I end up paying a fine.
Next time they come.
1) Ask for their IDs.
2)Ask for proper notice/circular (like state govt has GRs)
3)Take a photo of them. Legally you can click their photo even if they do not wish to give one since they are on ur property. So go ahead with a cam and shoot a pic.
4)They are going to repeatedly come to your place to cough money from you... Instead of handling them several times take the efforts to file a RTI asking for more information on this and when this rule was passed.
5)If the rule is from BMC it should be applicable across the entire city. Such rules need to be published in news papers(multiple not any single less known) and some time has to be given for the change to be done.

If you cant file an RTI and stand up for your self please do not expect anyone else to stand for you. Just pay the money and feel good. I dont mean to be harsh but its only coz we let these hooligans stand at our door they trouble us. Kick them once and they will know whom they are messing with.
Keep posted.
And Atul my frnd I can bet my "A$$" that they are not real BMC officials but sales men of the vendors who are selling these tank lids.
Write a mail to some dailes and see what they reply... like MidDay or Mumbai Mirror.
Put a snake in ur tank, and then ask them to install cover :P ...

Do one thing, take their cell no. use some VOIP service, and call them saying your are officer from blah blah.. post.. inquiring about the complain being made against them.. let the truth drools out.
...diwali gift from you :) , you must be BIG fish, than why worry about small fishes (persons who nagging you for tank cover) this is good time to VASOOL all your gifts from Corporator let them come & go. Tell them you don't have money & if they still force you to replace exiting tank cover than ask for credit (agree to pay them in Rs.100/- pm).

Once complained to Nagar Sevak earlier for some issue, every year he used to comes for Diwali Gift and cauldnt say no. Some how have dissuaded them.

I am trying to find if this notification is actually there or just a gimmick to extract money.
Tell them you clean it every day. Secondly, if bmc wants it done, they should give it for free.

Lastly very politely ask them for identification, if they dont run away, then ask them for the notice, if he shows you the notice with proper seal and sign, then ask him to produce the mass notice in the news paper. If he does that, tell him you'l get it done soon. Next time he comes tell him you've filed an rti and will wait till you get a reply, and that till then you clean it everyday.

Simple really. Be very polite, repeat the same thing a 100 times if he insists but dont argue/fight. If he forces you in anyway, wanting to check it himself, tell him there are ladies inside and he'l need a warrant(and police) to check it. Most of the times they just give up.

Oh make sure you give them tea or juice or something. preferably mixed with a laxative to keep them down for a few days. Tell everyone in your neighborhood to do it. LOL
Tell them straight you want install..Since bmc is super efficient in breaking.Tell them to break your tank but on condition that it will be videographed as you dont provide evidence .You gathering evidence for court law.

Tell them to give notification or details of the notification or just go to your local ward office and enquire about it.WHether its true or not.
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