Borat - Anyone watched it ?

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Borat the movie is just too much to be honest. Its gross at times.

AP1-2 and 3 were decent movies. I know they are not that great as such but they are enjoyable. specially the AP1.

I dont think many here has seen breakfast club. But its a very good movie. I saw it wayyy back in 1999 and even that time too it was very old movie.

Borat is hilarious to start with but then it becomes gross fast.
IMO, it is crap movie. I failed to understand all fuss about this movie. Sick jocks, sick story. It was first movie I watched in 2007 :(, so I just hope good for rest of the movies in 2007 ;)
chiron said:
^^ satire? I think that Wayans bros do this kind of satire with a lot more of class then.

whats "Wayans bro"

satire becuase he takes on antisemitism and Iraq war, not to mention the jesus thing.
Lol. Am I the only one who found the "Run of the jews" stereotyping scene funny? The long noses, the eggs etc etc are pretty common views held by people of the middle east. Did'nt know Kazakhs were anti-semites too.

Mildly racist but all in a good sense Imo.

Best dialogue - " Thes is Natalya, sheesa my sisteyr, She's teh nyumber fyour prosteytoot in all of kazakstan" - Read it with the soviet accent = kthx :D
she's got a trophy to prove it lol

I find the running of the jew funny too.. The subtle point made is if you are antisemitic... you are also lots of other things Borat is including the sister bit.

Borat was played by sasha Baron who himself is a jew.
American Pie movies are over-rated. So are Scary movie 1 and 2. The jokes looks like the director got 'em by installing spy camera's in rooms of 9 yr olds.

I liked Scary Movie 3 and 4 though, they've got the rumour type right on these.

Borat, Jackass 1 and 2 are next on my list.
^^ Scary movie 4 is garbage.So are scary movie 1 and 2.Scary movie 3 was good though.Jackass 1 is better than 2.Borat is okay.

Anybody seen the moviez "Gods must be crazy" ?? This one was one of the funniest i have seen
Udit said:
saw Borat today liked the first 20mins then it turned out boring & crappy :no:

one thing I will say all 5 American Pie movies beat it badly :ohyeah: American Pie series rocks :hap2:

Borat is true genius; I don't know how you're even comparing the two. American Pie in my opinion is typical american trash that gets filtered to the rest of the world. Besides the genres are totally different - it's like comparing Star Wars to Men in Black.

Borat the movie delves a lot deeper into the psyche than most imagine. I'll even go ahead and call it a black comedy. Sacha Cohen (as Borat) is anti-jewish, pro-rape, a chauvinist, and an anti-islamist who "supports Bush's war of terror." He wants Bush to "drink the blood of every man, woman and child in Iraq." Yet, he makes us laugh when he mouths this in front of an audience of 5,000 in a rodeo festival in Texas.

It can't get more 'Black Comedy' than this. Or brilliant either. He uses humour as a masquerade to quash the real anti-semites, anti-islamists etc. A superb method in my opinion.
Just saw Borat, friggin' hillarious. Its a good thing I didn't get my parents (just my bro) to watch it with me...lucky :P

I marked out at the naked fight scene, it was total rofl stuff see two naked men run around in a hotel!
I generally keep a movie no matter how pathetic it is just coz I MAY watch it later. But I deleted this one after watching for 15 minutes. What a waste.
lolz. .i am too late..

actually i also enjoy all american pie moves (specially last 2-3) and also SCARY MOVIES...

so i am... ..gettin BORAT ,JACK ASS 1 AND 2...will watch it and then comment..
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