Bored without Prison Break and Heroes !

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Smallville was awesome initially. Now it's so crappy, I almost didnt watch the last season.

My friend told me to watch it because the last few episodes were decent. I did and he was right. The last 4 episodes of the season were as good as I expected Smallville to be.

But they really lost the plot in the 7th season. Really crappy. The next season is going to be the last.

It will be even crappier than the last season as the best character of the show (Michael Rosenbaum as Lex Luthor) will not be reprising his role.
doctor who



star trek(s)

stagate *

LOTR HD extended edition full night marathon :P


btw, is heroes s2 finished?
here are my opinions :)
lost - BORING
its just people running around a stupid island...puts me to sleep in no time :)
and trust me on this, i have seen till end of 3rd season

heroes - GOOD
but no new episodes for a long time :(

prison break - OK
first season was good, 2nd season was bad....they are just trying to pull it on no real story
3rd season is also good

dexter - GOOD
i like such wierd people :)

life - got only 11 episodes but they were good as well

house - he just roxx doesnt he :)

other soaps that i watch -
how i met your mother
two and a half men
seinfeld (though its over now)
big bang theory (little lame but timepass)
my name is earl is also timepass
Prison Break is super good...Enjoyed every episode of it...

Try Dexter. I really really liked it.... but again depends...there are people who may not appreciate the stuff shown...I mean there are body parts strewn all over the place in every episode and its hard to love a serial killer but Dexter is adorable and sauve...
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