Bought a MSI Radeon 7970

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OP, firstly, congrats on the wonderful purchase the 7970's are highly sought after and were almost instantly sold-out on newegg.

Honestly, I just game 30-60 minutes a week and not even every week.

So for 99% of the games I can't even notice a change from my 6970.

From your statements above, I think this was quite a wasteful upgrade for you (not bashing you in anyway). Even if you had the money, you could've used it for something that is much more useful for you. I don't think spending so much just to get better benchmarks is particularly wise. Again, all this is IMO.

Yet, I bought it for full retail and not even from USA when my relative is coming after 1 week.

I am not sure why you did that. Care to put some light on this?
I wanted warranty and didn't want to risk wasting so much money in case the cards goes kaput. Rather have peace of mind. Also, I didn't want to wait, I wanted it NOW.

And I just want the best, besides, Crysis is one game where it did wonders. Also, perhaps future games might need this card.
Lol, just because you can't afford it, doesn't mean you show that you are jealous.

Honestly, I just game 30-60 minutes a week and not even every week. Yet, I have spent this much on a card to play at 19x10 and I don't even need AA. So for 99% of the games I can't even notice a change from my 6970. Only in Crysis do I notice a difference and in benchmarks. And this Is when I had expected even less from the card.

Yet, I bought it for full retail and not even from USA when my relative is coming after 1 week.

What does that tell you?
It just tells us how childishly immature and stupid some people tend to be...
Nope. It tells you that to get the greatest hardware I can spend quite a bit, even if the card costs 40k instead of its deserving price of 20k whether or not it is needed for my needs in particular.

And btw, I spend like crazy to overcome depression. I see no other solution. Spending big amounts from time to time gives temporary excitement and pleasure. Those are the only good things in my life.

So if you were in my shoes, you wouldn't call me childish.
Nope. It tells you that to get the greatest hardware I can spend quite a bit, even if the card costs 40k instead of its deserving price of 20k whether or not it is needed for my needs in particular.

And btw, I spend like crazy to overcome depression. I see no other solution. Spending big amounts from time to time gives temporary excitement and pleasure. Those are the only good things in my life.

So if you were in my shoes, you wouldn't call me childish.

If its your money that u are spending, so no one can blame you for your lavish expenditure.

Now to enhance this temporary excitement and pleasure, its better to donate them to the ones who can put better use to something that u dont require or actually need..

it can be me too to whom u wanna donate. I wish u could buy me a mobo and board rather than the GC
@ Rite - nice buy! But don't get us started on your shoes. What was it you were touting as the best shoe - ferrogama zegna or faggot or something?

BtW a picture from your super expensive DSLR with lenses worth 2 lakhs won't hurt either. we poor mortals get to see your 7970.
Nope. It tells you that to get the greatest hardware I can spend quite a bit, even if the card costs 40k instead of its deserving price of 20k whether or not it is needed for my needs in particular.

People coming to this section are least interested in (or bothered with) how much you can spend, they are here to see (in pics) what people bought/made/modded. You can damn well decide to be even more generous and give the seller 80k for a 40k card. That's your choice. People are not bothered. Whats childish and stupid is posting a thread trying to show off that you can spend money on something you don't need without caring for the fact that this section is not for that sort of showoff. The fact that you have spent 40k has absolutely no meaning here without posting pics of what you bought. Its what you bought that matters, not how much you spent on it or how useless it was for you. People spend on whatever they want to. There are people out there who would happily spend $3000 on a handcrafted Rubik's cube, but would squirm at the thought of spending $300 on a whole PC.

So if you were in my shoes, you wouldn't call me childish.

If I were in your shoes, believe me, I would be more concerned about how to stop being an attention whore and put an end to the cheap attention seeking stunts.

And btw, I spend like crazy to overcome depression. I see no other solution. Spending big amounts from time to time gives temporary excitement and pleasure. Those are the only good things in my life.

Yeah I understand that already for a long time that you are one sad kid. Have seen a few other kids with similar (poor) attitudes, many of the cases a result of poor upbringing and neglect... Kids who think money is the sole key to happiness, Kids who have nothing to show for themselves except how much they can spend and Kids who go about doing cheap stunts to seek the attention of others.
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