Brand new PS3 Slim: A Lemon

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Just got a NEW PS3 slim from the US. Have other equipment from there so had the necessary step down converter.

Plugged it in but it never turned on :(

I did a lotta research before writing this, so I know that its NOT a case of YLOD. The LED never blinks yellow, neither does it blink red.

When I plug the system in, there's the red standby light which is on (constant, no blinking). When I press the start button, the GREEN light flashes for a half a second and goes back to the constant RED light. (again, no blinking red light)

Please help. Neither does SONY undertake repairs in India, nor do they have global warranty. Can't send it back to the US, it'll be a big hassle.

I'm based in Mumbai. Any repair shop numbers or DYI instructions would be really appreciated. ;)

Thanks in advance,
well is the step down convertor one of those travel type ones,which basicly looks like a adaptor ,if so its not suited for electronic components only electrical components like hair dryer,coffe maker etc.
u will need to get a transformer based step down convertor rated at 300watts or more.
adder said:
well is the step down convertor one of those travel type ones,which basicly looks like a adaptor ,if so its not suited for electronic components only electrical components like hair dryer,coffe maker etc.
u will need to get a transformer based step down convertor rated at 300watts or more.


Thanks for your reply. I still haven't understood it fully. Can you give me your name & number so that I can call you at a convenient time and resolve my query.

Please let me know when you can spare 1 minute.

Thanks again,
Go to ivg forum .... find nikzmodz guy in the dealer section ... may be he will be able to help
I too got a PS3 Slim from US. In the PS3 manual, there is no mention of support for 220v. So I bought a stepdown adaptor and plugged it in and the PS3 wouldn't start. It would start, beep and then turn to red. The problem was the bloody adaptor was rated for 175W, but the PS3 consumes around 250W (This is what adder was talking about. Maybe your adapter isn't able to drive a PS3).

But you don't really need an adaptor. I searched around on the Internet and people were saying PS3 Slim supports both 110v and 220v. I plugged it in directly and it works. Have been playing for about 3 weeks and no issues so far.
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