Brink for pc- Will it available in retail or Steam the only option?

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ah well screw this iam gonna give this game a miss probably pick it up during steam sales too many shooters and rpg this time DONT HAVE THE MONEYYZZZZZ
Orija said:
Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory and Quake Wars:Enemy Territory.

Wolf:ET was released by Splash Damage, for free when Activision pulled the plug on it, in 2004. It is still amongst the top 3 most played fps on the pc.

Quake Wars was released in 2007 and is played competitively. It has a demo.

Their games are more about cognition than twitch skills (unlike, say, your CoDs and Counter Strikes) which makes every match you play, unique. The meta-game of these is what has ensured their longevity. Believe me, the CoDs and Halos are nothing compared to their games.
I bought EnemyTerritory Quake Wars, big mistake. Still havn't used the multiplayer key. Anyone wants to buy for cheap PM me(i'm serious)..

HAWX was another waste of money.
Orija said:
Spindoctor, doesn't d2d give you that "Error: Country restricted to your ip" thing?

it does. that's why i said you'll need to get it gifted by a friend who lives in america or uk.
Orija said:
Could you cite the source for that?
this was mentioned on the ivg forum here - E-Xpress brings Bethesda games to India -

they specifically asked e-xpress, the indian distributor, whether they would be getting the pc versions of brink and hunted and the answer was no.
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