Just finished the game and not only is this game the best Downloadable/Independent game for this year, but it's also headed straight on top of my personal best list. I didn't think it would best 'Max: The Curse of the Brotherhood' at the start of the game, but after a few levels, it just elevated to a point that I couldn't stop playing the game. When I did stop playing the game, it was when the game ended and I was awe-struck with it's depth. This is one of the most heart-warming & gut-wrenching tale of Two Brothers on a journey to save their ailing father.
The moment the game begins, you are greeted with a gorgeous menu screen and soundtrack which will be imprinted in your mind for the rest of the game. We are then presented with a brief sequence of a young child paying his respects to his mother's tombstone, which promptly flashes back to a scene which shows his mother drowning in a boat accident. He is later called to aid by his elder brother to assist him in carting their father to the local doctor, as he seems to be extremely ill. The doctor informs them that the only way to save his life is to obtain the water from 'The Tree of Life', which is found in a distant land. The doctor hands over the map to the elder brother and this is where the adventure begins.
All of the above narration is conveyed in a completely unfamiliar language. There are no subtitles either. But guess what, you don't need any of this to understand what's going on. Everything is purely narrated with the gestures and emotions of the characters; one of the most creative ideas of story telling. All through the game, you'll hear nothing but random words, expressions of amazement, screams of terror and the tears of sorrow. The gameplay is quite unique as you control the elder brother with the left analog stick (for movement) + left trigger (for interaction) & right analog stick + right trigger for the younger brother. The game is essentially a platformer and a fabulous one at that. It gives team work a whole new meaning. Bear in mind, even though it appears to look like a co-op oriented title, it isn't. This is purely a single player game, where you control two separate characters simultaneously.
The platforming is mainly based on co-ordination between the brothers where you have to do the usual climbing, shimming, puzzle solving and traversing. One of the distinguishing factor I noticed about this game is that it tends to poise the characters way of dealing with the different tasks in the game. For instance, the younger brother won't be able to perform certain activities which are physically demanding, while the elder brother won't be able to squeeze through smaller areas due to his size and the younger one can. By working together, they offset this physical barrier and over-come the obstacles. This is implemented in a bunch of artistically split chapters which spawn across different areas. Each of these locations have their own beauty and perils. The entire game is relatively simple and you won't be stuck anywhere, and I mean anywhere. The control scheme will take sometime to get adjusted and playing it with a controller is highly advisable. Theoretically, you can share the game on a keyboard with 2 players, but from a story perspective, it's more fruitful for a single person to play the game.
Visually, this game is absolutely stunning. Unreal Engine 3 just won't die, EVER. This engine has proved to be a front runner for one of the most leading AAA titles down to the most flamboyantly designed independent titles. Brothers, is one of the best examples of such title. The lavish vistas presented in this game is mesmerizing. The camera also pans out on occasions to provide a more larger scope of the area. There are benches on which you can relax for a moment to get a panoramic view of the location. There are some jaw-dropping level designs which I never really expected to see in this game. Believe me, you'll know when you see it. All of this is achieved with nothing in the graphic options, except for resolution and V-Sync.
Soundtracks varies depending on the situation and usually it's ambient. However, the switch between the tunes is perfectly balanced and will never feel out of place. One of the most imperative aspects of a good OST is to deliver it at a precise moment, thus nailing the atmosphere, which is what this game does. It is so authentic to the setting. The cello tunes blend in perfectly in moments of grief.
To wrap it up, this is an exquisite game which gives you a sense of how strong a family is bound by love. The essence is to stick together and protect each other, no matter what may come. This game also shows that language is not essential to understand human emotions, as they can be expressed in various other ways. It will move you and emotionally attach you to itself. Be prepared for the end, though it may be predictable, the impact is quite strong. Starbreeze gets a well deserved applaud for their efforts. With only 3 1/2 hours long, no one should miss this game.
A quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson which sort of symbolizes this game:- “Life is a journey, not a destination.â€