Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - Discussion Thread

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This game has a terrible problem. It recognizes the 360 controller. Also shows the option buttons accordingly but they dont work i mean it says "press start to continue" but whenever i press start nothing happens.:( Many people are facing this issue any one here faced this problem?

I played it on my PC using the 360 controller (wired) and it worked flawlessly. Searched around on Google right now and looks like some folks have definitely had problems working the game with the 360 controller, mostly the wireless one's. I could not find any apparent working fix though, sadly. Try and unplug all other USB devices connected to your PC if you can and then re-connect your 360 controller first and then other devices. See after that if the controller gets recognized in-game.
@Black_Hawk nope did that too doesn't work.
Guys no trick is working, whatever mentioned in the net. :(
It seems I have to play it on XP as its working alright on xp.
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Completed it in one sitting. No wonder its heavily inspired by ICO. But its a good game which successfully fools the player emotionally. Controls are really simple and challenging with wonderfully designed levels.yes it has great visuals too.
Thanks guys for encouraging others to play this game.
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^^Nope its perfect. Let me elaborate.Fooling a mass is not an easy task you need skills real skills. Fooling means tricking someone to believe in something you want them to believe. Thats what magicians,filmmakers & these people do & people likes to get fooled. Therefore its a compliment(a big compliment) not an insult.:)
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Sorry its quite and outdated thread but i just can't stop myself from commenting on it.
I've been back for this summer the past 25 days. Summer break. The past year I didn't play much games. One or two at max. And these days I've hell bent on completing my back log. Completed around 9 games these past days but man...this game!
I played it with my gf's li'l brother lol but damn. This game was damn awesome! I am completely mesmerized by this game.
I loved every little part of this game. I have to say it that for me it is the best game i have played in ages, story wise.
Those who haven't played this game please please I strongly recommend give this indie a shot!

P.S.- GF's brother cried. He's in 5th class. Hugged me. :')
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