BSNL error message : need help

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Well then why dont u jus turn the firewall off???
Its not exactly necessary,, then u can do some research and eneble it again..

Also before doing anythin to the modem config, remember to take a backup of the configuration,,,

Also, if anyone has the modem, can they pass on the backed up configuration file to him??
eagle004 said:
So can you tell me how to set it to pppoe mode ?? Also in pppoe mode if i get disconnected from the net due to line drop or something, will i get automatically reconncted.
If u configure the modem itself, there should be an option to reconnect automatically

eagle004 said:
So could you pls. tell me whether it's set under pppoe mode or windows dialing mode ?? And how to change to pppoe mode ??

U're dialling everytime u're connecting, so u're in dialing mode :) . Whether u dial or the modem connects automatically, ADSL connections are always made in ppoe!
Regarding the modem configuration for auto dial, searched all over for the settings for ur modem, but zilch. I see u are posting doggedly on this topic and not getting a solution. What I don't get is why are u not using the link I gave and trying a little self help :S
Naga said:
. What I don't get is why are u not using the link I gave and trying a little self help :S

i tried that link but no doesn't have my modem listed nor does it says how to configure settings under vista.

If u configure the modem itself, there should be an option to reconnect automatically

Actually it mine does connect automatically 60 sec. after disconnect.

U're dialling everytime u're connecting, so u're in dialing mode

So if it's set under pppoe mode then there would be no dialing right??

And how to change it to pppoe mode from the dialing mode??
I am so confused right now!! network issues always scare me a lot
The TCP/IP settings for ur LAN connection will be the same for Vista and XP. As for ur modem being not listed, googled and couldn't find the settings anywhere. What I meant by trying was, get the settings for the other modems listed and try to find and fill the approprate/ corresponding entries in ur modem. Also, as Party Monger said, back up the modem configuration files in case anything goes wrong. Ur modem should have the back up option in system or advanced tab
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