BSNL FTTH Installation Charges..?

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SO... I would have gone for JIO or Airtel but they are still not available in my area..
Tried for BSNL Fibre Connection...

Day 1: Applied Online.
Day 2: Nothing..
Day 3: No Response..
Day 4: Got a call from BSNL Office.. Said they provide connection only through Third-Party Operators. Gave me a number to call them.
Day 5: Called "Third-Party" and they said to only WhatsAPP..?? I did.. no reply..
Day6 : Nothing...
Day 7: Demanded INR 7000..!!?? I asked them why... replied they have to dug an underground connection to my house from another house 100 meters apart where BSNL Connection is available.
Day 8: Contacted BSNL Office... They replied.. we can't do anything..
Day 9 : Filed a complaint on BSNL Website..
Day 10: Complaint in Process..
Day 11: In Process...
Day 12: Your Location is not feasible for Fibre Connection.

I am fed up from these government companies.. they do initiative and customer has to please them to get your job done.
DUDE... Hardly 100 meters from my house... FIBRE CONNECTION IS AVAILABLE..?

Please reply someone...should I pay the amount..?
Did any of you faced such difficulty..?
All depends on your LCO . BSNL cant and wont help you . They have outsourced everything to LCOs
If LCOs is good BSNL Ftth rocks , if LCOs diesnt work then you are screwed .
Charges seems really high . Also check about modem/router . Are they giving or ?
I checked on BSNL Website .. It mentioned Charges upto 4000... nothing about additional charges..
and they are giving a Single Band ONU with Router... I denied as I wanted to use a better one from the market and they replied... U have to purchase this else no connection..
Really Hate BSNL now. Why r they even giving connections if they can not enforce them.
I checked on BSNL Website .. It mentioned Charges upto 4000... nothing about additional charges..
and they are giving a Single Band ONU with Router... I denied as I wanted to use a better one from the market and they replied... U have to purchase this else no connection..
Really Hate BSNL now. Why r they even giving connections if they can not enforce them.
BSNL tied-up with third parties for fiber broadband. BSNL is not doing anything they just generate the bills and share the revenue on 60:40 ratio. That's why the third parties are asking too much for installation. I just applied for the connection, no one is came and not get the connection also but they sent the bill after one month including 1500/- for installation. I suggesting you, buy the router separately and pay the installation charges for 1500-2000 if they accept.
Tried on Twitter.. nothing Happened...just a reply ..we will look into it. A lot of people are facing the same situation...depends on the LCO... some have even paid more than 20K just for a connection... checked it on Broadband forums...Hate this Corruption.
Almost 2 years back, I enquired at local BSNL CSC and they told about connection only through LCOs. On the CSC wall, near the counter, a list of three-four mobile numbers of LCO operators were available. I contacted them and received different installation charges for 100m distance ranging between Rs. 1000-2000 but dropped it and settled on cable broadband of my local cable TV service provider.
Aww Man... I was really looking towards playing APEX at max 50ms...
Right now ... I play at 100ms latency.. :angelic:... So, can not opt for broadband....Fibre will be best choice right now..
But these charges r really high...
Just found out about Railwire Broadband..gonna check it out.
OP, what's ur location?

Shall share my long story by typing on desktop or via speech to text as it's really long but has happy ending. My case was same. 3rd party contractors were asking too much money (not as high as urs but still it wasn't convincing to me) but eventually after fighting a lot with bsnl and these fellows... I got complete installation free for bsnl fiber.

Btw do not pay up such hell of amount. It's ridiculous demand.

I am from Pune btw.
Here in Himachal I did not pay for the charges, just for the router + one month advance which I guess was 800 bucks. Router was for 3000 - 2.4Ghz and he suggested not to pay more for the router. The 5Ghz was for 4.5K and the vendor asked against it, suggested to get a good router and connect it to the FTTH Modem+Router.
No advance , no installation , no forced modem
Got a simple non wifi modem as already have mesh setup and installed it own
OP, what's ur location?

Shall share my long story by typing on desktop or via speech to text as it's really long but has happy ending. My case was same. 3rd party contractors were asking too much money (not as high as urs but still it wasn't convincing to me) but eventually after fighting a lot with bsnl and these fellows... I got complete installation free for bsnl fiber.

Btw do not pay up such hell of amount. It's ridiculous demand.

I am from Pune btw.
It's good that u got it...
However.. Now I am not so willing to even consider BSNL...
My Neighbours ( those 100 metres apart ) have been facing issues like Slow Speed...Connection issues for more than a year...and no one listens to them...They have called several times but that third party " AKSH OPTIFIBRE " never replies....
Never getting BSNL.
BSNL has mostly the same story. A friend has shifted to a place in the outskirts of Dehradoon. Only BSNL is serviceable and they asked for 10K for connection (was later shared with 3-4 other houses in the same area) and 6K for router. No other router acceptable :D
BSNL was good in my area, now, after the local cable operator, BSNL went from good to outstanding. In my case, cable guy asked for 3k for a new connection, out of which 2k was for the modem and 1k for the wire but I already had the fiber optic cable from old BSNL connection so I was charged 2k. So far in the last 3 months there was one disconnection. I found out about the outage at 2 pm (Sunday). I called the cable guy at 4 pm so that he can restore the connection on Monday ASAP but he came in 15 minutes with his box. He found the break and fixed the connection by 4:45 pm. It was raining a bit at that time still he managed to join the fiber optic cable.
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Same here.
I applied using their online portal
After 4 days they replied and gave connection by taking 3k as charges where 2k is for the modem & 1k for the fibre optic wire expenses and only once I got disconnected where upon calling their CC they immediately responded and rectified the problem. Kudos to them and to BSNL. I took BSNL FTTH plan 200MBPS with charges Rs.1250 including GST monthly and I am happy with it.
I use BSNL FTTH at my parent's place because that's what is available. They took like 3.5k for modem & 1.5k for installation. They don't do underground cabling here, but are a pain to work with depending on LCO.
Their plans are really Good...only problem is LCOs...In some areas they r working really good..
In other areas like mine... Complete corruption...Even BSNL can't do anything cause they have given contract...
Checked on google..there were already ongoing Cases in Judiciary between Various LCOs and BSNL...
OP, what's ur location?

Shall share my long story by typing on desktop or via speech to text as it's really long but has happy ending. My case was same. 3rd party contractors were asking too much money (not as high as urs but still it wasn't convincing to me) but eventually after fighting a lot with bsnl and these fellows... I got complete installation free for bsnl fiber.

Btw do not pay up such hell of amount. It's ridiculous demand.

I am from Pune btw.
Can u share your story..would like to know.
I enquired to BSNL Lco and he said that I have to pay 5500 including modem in my village
Modem cum router cost is 1k & 2k according to need and plan.
If plan is below 100mbps then cost of instrument is 1k & if plan is above 100mbps then cost of instrument is 2k

While we have to pay 3k initially for installation plus instrument.
I paid another 3k for extra optic Fibre charges and instrument which made it to total 6k.

Now I am getting around 180mbps download to 170mbps upload speed for the 200mbps plan with monthly charges amounting to Rs.1260 including GST while excluding GST the charges are Rs.999.

1k instrument is single band modem cum router while 2k instrument is dual band modem cum router.

When compared with ACT, Airtel, DEN, Hathaway BSNL FTTH is superb.

We should not compare with Jio who almost bought all the above networks and is playing with people's lives by initially enticing them with superb plans and free plans & later make people pay exorbitant amounts as there would not easy to change once we get addicted to those stupid plans.

If Reliance is able to sell for Rs.300 for the initial plan how much is getting from it and others. Please people need to see this before falling for them.

That's why I was telling respected members to take BSNL FTTH where ever it's possible.
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