UL750 is ,,i too have same,,avg dl speed is 30kbps max i got 40kbps smtime though,,happy with bsnl,,i ususally keep torrent for dl at night (overnight)DevinWolf said:I have the 750 plan and its slow for some reason. I'm getting only 30kbps.
rajatgarewal said:Hmm i chose 512 plan...fast though I have to stop torrents while browsing as speed is fixed to 512 and torrents suck it completely...I am able to host warcraft in garena easily now without lag...thnx a lot
manuvikram007 said:Sorrry to hack ur thread.... which plan is good for RS premium downloads....500 plan(NightUL)or 1350 one??/
PaulBarber said:What's the typical cost of 1 unit ?