BSNL Prepaid recharge Query

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A Nobody.

I want to do a BSNL recharge for 501/-.

Its for unlimited calls to any BSNL mobile/landlines in India.

Is there anyway to do it online? I tried the BSNL recharge website. But its showing that if i recharge ill get like 454 rs or something.

Anyone did this before?
Many BSNL users have encountered problem while using these online recharge sites, and because of this most suggest the official site.r for

In my case, i have once successfully recharged my BSNL number using

but mate, i suggest you to do it offline
paytm special recharge is working fine, but before that you find out exact denomination for your expected recharge, since whatever mentioned is not same across different circles..there will be difference of +- 2 or 3!
if i am doing it outside.. its for 501...

guess ill go and do it outside...

But there also, the guy uses some website..
^whatever amount works outside, should work fine in paytm too, this is my experience! But you should use special recharge option!
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