BSOD + Restart on Vista

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RAM testing is a black art unfortunately - sometimes errors only show up when both sticks are in together, and sometimes only when Windows is running too. I remember using memtest - there is a version which you boot into, and another which you run in Windows. The one which I ran in Windows caught the fact that the RAM didn't match my system (voltage mismatch) by showing errors instantly, while the other didn't show any even after hours of testing.
STOP: c000021a {fatal error}
the windows subsystem system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000005 (0x00000000 0x548f610)
the system has been shut down.

thats the latest.
dude give me some time, me at work right now , have a internal tool to check all BSOD's and give u all details here max time required is 1Hr
dude bad news there is no article in Microsoft internal tool which says what can be done to resolve the issues u are facing ,all say that u need to install SP1,go ahead and override SP1 and still same issues need to do a repair installation.
If your laptop is covered by a warranty wouldn't it be better to backup your data and get them to have look at it (since your paying them to do that anyway)?
well.. spoke to them.. since their diagnostic tool hasnt detected any hardware failure, they insist i do an OS reinstall. according to them, the tests are pretty accurate. but then again, if the OS reinstall doesnt solve the problem, theyll send a technician. i started arguing that since harware failure has been ruled out by your accurate diagnostic, why should the problem still occour after the reinstall. anyhow, they want to rule out any software issues too and im done arguing with them.. so i guess reinstall it is..
Have u tried the Windows System File Checker tool?

I had the same BSOD problem on my Dell Inspiron 1420 and had tried various things.... but finally this worked for me.

I suggest u try this before u do a OS reinstall.
In our office, the new bunch of laptops that came were all XPS M1330s. They come with Vista and most of them have this blue screen problem (including mine). And the error messages vary from time to time (I've got atleast 3 different types of blue screens). Support team knows about this issue, but they also dont seem to have any solution other than replacing the RAM modules and reinstalling windows :(

I get a blue screen atleast once a week. I'm sure it's quite a common problem with M1330-Vista combo.
For all BSOD's in Vista the best tools is startup repair,this is what i was told by my friend at Vista , i know its lame :ashamed: but it fixes almost all issues :)
can u plean elaborate on this startup repair? there is a startup repair where it pops up when windows doesnt shut down properly and there is a repair via the windows cd which i have done with xp a few times earlier. in order to do that, what all do i need to know in terms of losing data. will i also need to renstall all windows updates later?
so.. after a full system format, i reinstalled vista, updated to sp1 and downloaded every possible update for windows and ms office. the other softwares installed are avast, imgburn, poweriso and klite codec pack. now its back to square one. same random bsods. another thing i noticed is that sometimes when i put it on, it says that my windows key is not active. sometimes the realtime protection in the antivirus doesnt work. both these problems occoured before formatting also and both times i was using different antiviruses.

finally the j*rk*ffs at dell have agreed to replace the mobo and ram. this is exactly what i was telling them earlier but they insisted that since their "fullproof" diagnostic dvd didnt detect any hardware failures, it had to be software related. wheres that theory now? it took me 2 days to backup everything, format and update the system. i still havent put everything back yet.
so after months of running, today i got a bsod for the first time after my mobo+ram replacement in jan as follows:

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen

OS Version: 6.0.6001.

Locale ID: 16393

Additional information about the problem:

BCCode: 1a

BCP1: 00041284

BCP2: 00DBF001

BCP3: 00000000

BCP4: C0802000

OS Version: 6_0_6001

Service Pack: 1_0

Product: 768_1
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