Graphic Cards BSOD when idle because of my 5850?

Hypernight, you can try Driver Sweeper as mentioned above. Make a restore point before you do so.

1. Remove the driver.

2. Got to safe mode Desktop, and run driver sweeper.

3. Remove the USB dongle entries.

4. Run CCleaner to clean registry entries.

5. Reboot to normal mode.

6. Install Driver.

7. Restart+verify.

I doubt this will fix your issue. You can try. It seems more likely your USB device is not suited for Win7.
Driver sweeper unfortunately only works for ATI/nVidia/Realtek/Creative software. I'm trying to find another program that would help me do the same.

I guess you are right though asingh. I uninstalled and reinstalled the damn program and still got a BSOD. wierdly, i noticed that this happens only when my utorrent is running, not otherwise. Anyways, I have figured out a way to create a WDN with my Airport Base station and Airport express so as to wirelessly extend the internet to my room and then have an ethernet chord give me the wifi network into my desktop thru my Airport Express.

I think this problem should be solved now that I have wired net and dont have to use the Belkin fail product.

Thanks a lot for all the help!
Don't use OVERDRIVE. Disable it.

When Overdrive is on, the clocks go back to 157/300 while idling

else it stays at 400/1000.. well, this problem seemed to happen a lot with HD5k users...

I can't recall how to edit the profiles,, it was posted on this forum by a HD5870 owner itself, can't even find it, maybe my search strings aren't matching.

Basically, your idle clocks have to be changed permanently to 400c/900m to prevent flickering.
Thank you asingh and comp@ddict

The BSOD has stopped ever since I've uninstalled the wireless driver and am connected via ethernet

Also, screen flickering has stopped after I disabled ATi Overdrive.

Problem solved.

Thanks again =)