BT traffic falls in U.S

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"After legal actions taken by several industry outfits, BitTorrent traffic has fallen in the United States to the all time low of 12.7 percent of internet traffic. However, this trend seems to be unique to the U.S. — In other parts of the world, like Europe and Asia, BitTorrent traffic continues to rise. 'According to Sandvine, the absence of legal alternatives is one of the reasons for these high P2P traffic shares.' In the U.S. legal content delivery has flourished and provided customers easy access to content. This seems to suggest that due to these alternatives, people are less willing to pirate and pay the publishers for entertainment

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The P2P path optimizer [SUP][11][/SUP] focuses on Gnutella, and uses a path cost algorithm to reduce congestion while still delivering the same content. Stateful Policy Management [SUP][12][/SUP] uses stateful deep-packet inspection and packet spoofing to allow the networking device to determine the details of the p2p conversation, including the hash requested. The device can then determine the optimal peer to use, and substitute it for the one selected by the P2P algorithm, or by performing session management "[sitting] in the middle, imitating both ends of the connection, and sending reset packets to both client and server." [SUP][13][/SUP]
The usage-based-billing includes[SUP][14][/SUP] pre-paid and post-paid 3G and 4G mobile access, as well as all fixed access.[SUP][15][/SUP]
[h=3]Comcast Controversy[/h] Sandvine products are used by Comcast in the United States to manage Internet traffic generated by peer-to-peer file sharing software.[SUP][16][/SUP] Sandvine's current congestion management product, Fairshare, is described in detail in an RFC.[SUP][17][/SUP]
According to independent testing,[SUP][18][/SUP] Comcast injected reset packets into peer-to-peer connections, which effectively caused a certain limited number of outbound connections to immediately terminate. This method of network management was described in the IEEE Communications, May 2000 article "Nonintrusive TCP Connection Admission Control for Bandwidth Management of an Internet Access Link".[SUP][19][/SUP][SUP][20][/SUP]
A product whitepaper published by Sandvine confirms that its products are configurable to use "Session Management" capability to prevent customers using BitTorrent from providing uploads to peers who are not close to them on the network. This affects all uses of BitTorrent (such as open-source project distribution, patch distribution and illegal downloads).
In cases where a subscriber is a “seeder” and uploads content to an off net “leecher”, session management is an effective strategy... the subscriber may be session managed without negative impact. This is the default behaviour for Sandvine’s session management policy and limits external leechers from connecting to internal seeds.[SUP][21][/SUP]

Sandvine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

why are we not surprised...
In other news seedbox and VPN subscriptions increase manifold.
@ras +1 for relevant avatar :happy15:

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