OC & Modding 'BTH' Score Submission - GPU Class 1

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Staff member
Nvidia GTX 590/580/570/480/560/295 and Radeon HD6990/6970/6950/5870/5970/4870X2

GPU Benchmarking will be done with 3DMark Vantage Basic using v1.1.0 only. The challenge is to get the highest 3DMark Vantage GPU score you can in your chosen class. 3DMark Vantage v1.1.0 can be downloaded here

Here is an example of a ideal screenshot:

Please post your score in the format :-

Username - 3DMark GPU Score - System Overclock Details

(eg: muzux2 - 21457 - Intel Core i7 920 @ 4093MHz, HD 4870 @ 1000MHz Core/1150MHz Mem)

Leaderboard :-

  1. Lord Nemesis - 37318 - Intel Core i5 2500k @ 5300MHz, 2 x HD 6950 @ 910MHz Core/1300MHz Mem
  2. Infected - 27391 - Intel Core i7 2600K , GTX 580
  3. Vivek90 - 22298 - Intel Core i7 2600k, GTX 560Ti @ 1035MHz Core/ 1220MHz Memory
Lord Nemesis said:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Lord Nemesis - 37318 - Intel Core i5 2500k @ 5300MHz, 2 x HD 6950 @ 910MHz Core/1300MHz Mem
I think your vantage "Build" differs from the one posted by the Mod...

Yours is Build 1.0.1 and required is 1.1.0...please check...
^^Where did you see Build 1.0.1. :S It does say 1.1.0 in the screen shot. I specifically updated to 1.1.0 to comply with the guidelines.
^^Where did you see Build 1.0.1. It does say 1.1.0 in the screen shot. I specifically updated to 1.1.0 to comply with the guidelines.

Sorry my mistake...I think I need glasses now :(
nice score BTW. will try one tonite and update the thread...
Where is everyone else with the Class 1 GPU's...?

MOD: I am online able to view the vantage score online from the download link provided...:S
Re: 'BTH' Score Submission - GPU Class 2

Here's my submission, should be on top ;)


Vivek90 - 22298 - Intel Core i7 2600k, GTX 560Ti @ 1035MHz Core/ 1220MHz Memory

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Thanks for moving, but 2xGPU submission is also wrong even a 2x gtx550 would beat a 560ti ... think again.
^^ If people start thinking that way, they would never come to an agreement on what the classes should be. Ultimately everyone would want a section for their own GPU/CPU. For instance, why should HD6950, 6970, 6990, GTX570, 580 and 590 belong in the same section? Even for the same GPU, why should a stock cooled GPU be in the same section as a custom cooled one. The competition itself would fall apart in the end.
Vivek, we appreciate the feedback. But we had thought out the reasons for multi-GPU.

1. They do literally fall in the same class. If someone can get 2x of them, their better. :)

2. There are very less SLI/XfireX users.

We have taken all the feedback and suggestions by the members, and will definitely implement them for future competitions.
^^ I believe either way the GPU score will remain the same only the CPU and overall score will see a difference...
Anyhow...if the rules require this...


Infected: 25343 - Intel Core i7 2600K , GTX 580 All Stock.....
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