BTW How much does a puppy cost???

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It mite sound a lil stupid to ask like this and prolly my budget is next to nothing as well, but how much do you think puppies sell for?

He/she must be cute and adorable. Do you think something will happen in 5-10k, coz I realli doubt it, but I still wanna confirm.:hap2:
pups are always cute and adorable irrespective of breed..:P

You shud get a german shepherd or a labrador within 5-10k....a golden retriever may be costlier...but goldy boy has a lot of problems...u have to take care of his hair...or it gets really messy and sheds a lot..:P Same goes for german shepherd..i had one a few years back...she was the best doggy i had evr had...the most obedient and intelligent...german shepherds are an intelligent lot...but poor thing was always having some medical problems..sometimes with ticks and sometimes with her hair shedding problem...was with me for whole nine years...lost her to cancer..:'(..i miss u Roo..(ruby)...:(
where and how do i get one for 5-10k inc of all vaccinations etc at time of birth. not buying, but want to have all details much much before in case i end up buying one.
^^very true..strays hardly have any medical problems..and even if they do get a bite or so, they heal up so contrast, even a small cut sometimes turns really bad with such breeds as german shepherd, labs...i am telling u this as i have faced the same problem with my dog..i once had to get her paw operated as she had suffered a cut during a casual walk in our garden..then i thouhgt, it wud heal..but it didnt..and she kept making it worse..until she started limping...i immediately rushed her to a vet and had the paw operated..:no: U see, these breeds are not really adapted to indian weather conditions tht well..they are more at home in higher altitudes and colder places..
superczar said:
Adopt a new born stray na!
Really..they are hardy with minimal medical problems, and intelligent!

^^Born dare and tackle any Problem, yes I mean it, your so called Puppy from any Pet Store, never had (nor his/her parents too) real fight experience while the Street Puppy well known about FIGHT FOR LIFE from the day he/she was enter on the earth and if we stick with Mahabharat Theory he/she will learning from the day his/her mother get Pregnant.

Trained stray dog will be more Obedient and Dangerous Watchman for you and your family members and property too, just care to give Vaccine on time. NO EXTRA so called maintenance required.:)
Unless you tell us for what purpose you need a dog, it will be difficult to come up with the ideal suggestion for you.Do you need a play dog, a hunting dog(perhaps not) or a dog to guard your house??

Do you live in a building or your own independent house?? if you live in a building,dogs like Dachshund maynot be the right choice since they bark incessantly and could be very irritable.But then they are a fun loving dog, tenacious, and lively and so if you don't live in a building, that's prolly the best choice for you.

Also have you owned/trained a dog before?? If not then stay away from

Pomeranian(not the true Pomeranian but the ones available in india) and Rottweiler.Without proper training,these can be extremely difficult to handle.So early obedience training and socialization is a must especially for Rottweiler.

If you need a dog to guard your house get a bulldog or a Labrador.Even a pug makes a good watchdog.
If you need an intelligent,nice, loving dog, get a German Shepherd.

Toydog, then get a Dachshund(if noise is not a problem).Poodles,Lhasa Apso,Pomeranian ,etc are hairy alternatives.

And finally you should look for a dog that suits your needs rather than go shopping for a dog that falls within your "price range/budget".After all it's a dog not a computer.Also adopting a stray is indeed a great idea.These are nice loving dogs and serve you well.Also they are ideally siuted for indian conditions.So once vacinnated, they won't need as much maintenance.After all, dogs are not a status symbol but a useful,kind and loving friend.
think of it as saving a life :D

and they are much more intelligent than the snobbish stupid pedigreed mutts...which may not always be a good thing :P

we trained out spitz to shit in the the damn thing wont shit anywhere else *sigh*
anonymoususe said:
where and how do i get one for 5-10k inc of all vaccinations etc at time of birth. not buying, but want to have all details much much before in case i end up buying one.
I don't think they will give (all) vaccinations at the time of birth. Some are taken after the pup is three months old. My friend got a Labrador 5 months back for Rs 6500. He got that when the pup was a month old. It was told to adopt the pup after one month old (due to breast feeding). At that point only one de-worming vaccination was done.The anti-rabbies vaccine was done after completion of three months. May be consulting with a vet will give further info.

And one request, It seems that you are going this for the first time. Make sure that your enthu will not fall down and you have sufficient time to take care of the pup.


My Golden Retriever cost my 9 K

zanderzone said:
My Golden Retriever cost my 9 K


Awww man.. so cuuuuuuuuuuuteee....:ohyeah:
ms_mahu said:
And one request, It seems that you are going this for the first time. Make sure that your enthu will not fall down and you have sufficient time to take care of the pup.
Very valid point bro...really, adopting a pet is like adopting a child..u need to take care of it and make sure u do not shirk ur responsibilities later..its better not keep one than adopting one and later on letting the poor thing suffer because u are not able to take care of it think and decide..a dog in contrast to a cat depends completely on its owner...cats can take care of them even if they are abandoned...but i think its the biggest sin in the world to abandon a it a cat or a dog..treat them like a child and soon u'll see tht u will not be able to live without them..:)
yep need more infos before commenting on this ....dont be whimsical on this ...a dog is lot of work and care required ...and with proper care they will come up to 14-16 years .... i have had labradors , german shepherds , boxers , bulldog..... stay away from boxer and bulldog ... german shepherds need lots of space , labradors are just too adorable....

tell me where you are from and i can let you know where to get them too :)
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