Unless you tell us for what purpose you need a dog, it will be difficult to come up with the ideal suggestion for you.Do you need a play dog, a hunting dog(perhaps not) or a dog to guard your house??
Do you live in a building or your own independent house?? if you live in a building,dogs like Dachshund maynot be the right choice since they bark incessantly and could be very irritable.But then they are a fun loving dog, tenacious, and lively and so if you don't live in a building, that's prolly the best choice for you.
Also have you owned/trained a dog before?? If not then stay away from
Pomeranian(not the true Pomeranian but the ones available in india) and Rottweiler.Without proper training,these can be extremely difficult to handle.So early obedience training and socialization is a must especially for Rottweiler.
If you need a dog to guard your house get a bulldog or a Labrador.Even a pug makes a good watchdog.
If you need an intelligent,nice, loving dog, get a German Shepherd.
Toydog, then get a Dachshund(if noise is not a problem).Poodles,Lhasa Apso,Pomeranian ,etc are hairy alternatives.
And finally you should look for a dog that suits your needs rather than go shopping for a dog that falls within your "price range/budget".After all it's a dog not a computer.Also adopting a stray is indeed a great idea.These are nice loving dogs and serve you well.Also they are ideally siuted for indian conditions.So once vacinnated, they won't need as much maintenance.After all, dogs are not a status symbol but a useful,kind and loving friend.