21-30k Budget Home PC

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Hi, my current PC is no longer functional, it had some heat sink issue for a while, and now it's just dead; time for a replacement I guess. I would like to setup a media server system 4-5 months down the line, but for the moment am looking for a basic PC since I don't have the cash to splash. Details below.

  1. Q: What is your budget?
    • 25K
  2. Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - Intel Core 2 Duo
    • Motherboard - Intel something
    • RAM - Transcend 1X2GB
    • Monitor - Dell 22"
    • Hard disk - Seagate Barracuda 7200 - 500 GB
  3. Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • Monitor - Dell 22"
    • Hard disk - Seagate Barracuda 7200 - 500 GB
  4. Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • Any CPU
    • Any Motherboard - any compatible motherboard
    • Any RAM
    • Any Case and SMPS
    • Any UPS - 10/15 mins backup is sufficient.
  5. Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • I think i'll leave it as-is, and build a new pc for a media server.
  6. Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Chennai - probably Delta
  7. Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • No.
  8. Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Browsing
    • MS Office 2010 (Word/Excel/Powerpoint)
    • downloads
  9. Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • not sure about asus. Would like something that's compatible with the data on my existing HDD - it's loaded with windows 7, and i'd be happier if i could load in my hdd into the new build and just have to update the drivers instead of reinstalling the os. The reason is I have lots of data on my os drive (C drive) - i realise that was pretty stupid of me - and i would rather not go through the trouble of having to backup the data.
  10. Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • None - got a ps 3, and the only game i play is FIFA, so..:happy26:..
  11. Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Not sure. The higher the better?
  12. Q: Are you looking to overclock?
    • No
  13. Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 7 32 bit (should i be going for 64?)
Thanks @Carbon for advising me to put up a separate thread. Hope to receive some input from @Alpha and the likes. Thank you guys. Appreciate it.
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@sars72 Considering your requirements You'd go for this rig-
Intel i5 3550 - 13.5 OR Intel i3 2120-6.5k
Gigabyte B75 D3H - 4.5k
Gskill Ripjaws OR Corsair Vengeance 2x2gb 1600mhz - 1.5k
Sapphire HD6670-4.8k OR HD5670-4.6k[If you feel like you need a gpu to play fifa,If not then don't consider this]
Corsair CX430V2-2.4k
Nzxt Gamma - 2.4k
APC BR600VA-1.9k
Hope this helps
@sars72 get this configuration --

Intel Core i3 3220 ~7500/-
GIGABYTE-B75M-D3H ~4500/-
Corsair Vengeance 4GB x1 1600MHz ~1600/-
AMD HD7750 ~7000/-
HP [boxed] optical drive ~1000/-
FSP Saga II 400W ~2000/-
NZXT Gamma ~2500/- http://www.theitdepot.com/details-NZXT+Gamma+Black+Steel+Mid-Tower+ATX+Cabinet_C5P7108.html
APC BR600VA-IN ~2000/-
Windows 7 64-bit OEM copy ~4000/- OR Windows 7 Home Premium retail-copy ~6500/-

I think you should go 64-bit, it is pretty mature now and will hold well for the future. Most importantly you can buy crazy amounts of RAM with current slump in their prices and RAM in excess of 3.25GB can only be detected by 64-bit OS.

Hope this helps. Cheerio!

Intel i5 3550 - 13.5 OR Intel i3 2120-6.5k

Ivy-Bridge dual core lineup has released in India. Makes sense for OP to get that instead of a Core i5.
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Thanks for the heads up,Didn't see it listed online so,Any link would be helpful.Also CX430V2-2.4k instead of FSPII 400W would be a better choice for few bucks more.
sars72 get this configuration --

Intel Core i3 3220 ~7500/-
GIGABYTE-B75M-D3H ~4500/-
Corsair Vengeance 4GB x1 1600MHz ~1600/-
AMD HD7750 ~7000/-
HP [boxed] optical drive ~1000/-
FSP Saga II 400W ~2000/-
NZXT Gamma ~2500/- Theitdepot - NZXT Gamma Black Steel Mid-Tower ATX Cabinet
APC BR600VA-IN ~2000/-
Windows 7 64-bit OEM copy ~4000/- OR Windows 7 Home Premium retail-copy ~6500/-

I think you should go 64-bit, it is pretty mature now and will hold well for the future. Most importantly you can buy crazy amounts of RAM with current slump in their prices and RAM in excess of 3.25GB can only be detected by 64-bit OS.

Hope this helps. Cheerio!

Ivy-Bridge dual core lineup has released in India. Makes sense for OP to get that instead of a Core i5.
Thanks for the heads up,Didn't see it listed online so,Any link would be helpful.Also CX430V2-2.4k instead of FSPII 400W would be a better choice for few bucks more.

Gods dammit, SMC has it in stock, I have verified. Why have they not updated their page. I think Computer Empire also has received these.

Also Delta-Page in Chennai is the definitive source of prices, cannot find it there either =[.
The boss is angry on SMC:P,They'll list soon if it's in stock.
Gods dammit, SMC has it in stock, I have verified. Why have they not updated their page. I think Computer Empire also has received these.

Also Delta-Page in Chennai is the definitive source of prices, cannot find it there either =[.
@ALPHA17 and @Jakob thanks for your input. Appreciate it! I will check with Delta and get back if I need any more help. Thank guys!
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Hi @ALPHA17 ... the motherboard and processor are not available at Delta. Any suggestions?

sars72 get this configuration --

Intel Core i3 3220 ~7500/-
GIGABYTE-B75M-D3H ~4500/-
Corsair Vengeance 4GB x1 1600MHz ~1600/-
AMD HD7750 ~7000/-
HP [boxed] optical drive ~1000/-
FSP Saga II 400W ~2000/-
NZXT Gamma ~2500/- Theitdepot - NZXT Gamma Black Steel Mid-Tower ATX Cabinet
APC BR600VA-IN ~2000/-
Windows 7 64-bit OEM copy ~4000/- OR Windows 7 Home Premium retail-copy ~6500/-

I think you should go 64-bit, it is pretty mature now and will hold well for the future. Most importantly you can buy crazy amounts of RAM with current slump in their prices and RAM in excess of 3.25GB can only be detected by 64-bit OS.

Hope this helps. Cheerio!

Ivy-Bridge dual core lineup has released in India. Makes sense for OP to get that instead of a Core i5.

- - - Updated - - -

You had also suggested the following in another thread.
Intel Celeron G520

Intel H61-WW
Corsair ValueRAM 4GB x1
FSP Saga II 400W

Will I be able to run Windows 7 on this, and work on MS Office on this? I don't need intend to use it for Gaming. If so, please suggest a suitable Cabinet. Will any iball or zebronics cabinet do, or do you recommend something from Cooler Master elite or NZXT Gamma? Please let me know. I'm not familiar with cabinet types and compatibility. Thank you!
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You don't need to go for G620,Just go with i3 2120 if you're unable to find i3 3220,As for motherboard get it from flipkart-Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3H Motherboard | Motherboard | Flipkart.com
Hi ALPHA17 ... the motherboard and processor are not available at Delta. Any suggestions?

- - - Updated - - -

You had also suggested the following in another thread.
Intel Celeron G520

Intel H61-WW
Corsair ValueRAM 4GB x1
FSP Saga II 400W

Will I be able to run Windows 7 on this, and work on MS Office on this? I don't need intend to use it for Gaming. If so, please suggest a suitable Cabinet. Will any iball or zebronics cabinet do, or do you recommend something from Cooler Master elite or NZXT Gamma? Please let me know. I'm not familiar with cabinet types and compatibility. Thank you!
Thanks Jakob . Can you also help me with a link to a good and relevant pc assembling guide? i.e. hot to setup the cpu after purchase of the individual components. This will be my first time. Thanks!
Here's a 3 Part video which will help you to know how to assemble a pc.This is the first part you'll find other two there itself-Newegg TV: How To Build a Computer - Part 1 - Choosing Your Components - YouTube
Here's another link if you find above video tedious then try this one-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcR8Fl8cwZk
Can you also help me with a link to a good and relevant pc assembling guide? i.e. hot to setup the cpu after purchase of the individual components. This will be my first time. Thanks!
@Jakob @APLHA17
A couple more questions, if you don't mind.
1. What Cabinet would you recommend? Will any be suitable to make the most of slots from motherboard? Is Any Iball/Zebronics type fine, or would you recommend something from the Cooler Master series?
2. I'm not in a major rush. How long do you reckon it would take for the i3 3220 to be available either in Delta/IT Depot in Chennai? Will it be worth the wait?

Thanks for your input and time :)
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A couple more questions, if you don't mind.
1. What Cabinet would you recommend? Will any be suitable to make the most of slots from motherboard? Is Any Iball/Zebronics type fine, or would you recommend something from the Cooler Master series?
2. I'm not in a major rush. How long do you reckon it would take for the i3 3220 to be available either in Delta/IT Depot in Chennai? Will it be worth the wait?

Hi Sars, here are your answers --
  • Get a cheap Cooler Master eLite 310 ~1500/-, it is a little more expensive than the generic stuff that Zebronics and iBall peddle but the build is better.
  • If you can hold out for the Core i3 3220 to appear in the local market, I think it will be completely worth it. It is significantly more powerful and has better power efficiency than the preceding Core i3 2100 with a rather modest price increment.
Hope this helps, Cheerio!

Rest queries Jakob has answered so I will not broach the topic.
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