PC Peripherals Budgets 08 - Price cuts coming... (hopefully)

joyceanblue said:
now i was going to buy a new pc (e4500, abit i35-e) today, so should i wait for the prices to come down now?

^^ Don't expect anything cuts there as the prices are already low as it is. The prices for those parts might rise after the budget though as a trend seen over many years. It's a dealer play since a lot of them are aware of the fact that consumers tend to put off their purchases until after the budget.
Where does it say wireless products? it says "wireless data cards" that might mean BSNL EVDO only :p

Also I read "I propose to fully exempt from duty specified parts of set top boxes and specified raw materials for use in the IT/electronic hardware industry."

Raw materials may help local vendors like Zenith, HCL etc...

From Government of India : Union Budget and Economic Survey ([url]http://indiabudget.nic.in)[/url] which has full text I believe...

So it looks like things are not clear... we will need to get the details before knowing if PCs/Laptops/LCDs etc are going to be cheaper or not... i doubt companies like Dell/HP manufacture their LCDs/Laptops/PCs here in india they are probably just shipped directly from singapore/malaysia...

Peak rate of customs duty unchanged except for a "few cases"... again, not specified/clarified yet...
Vista going to be costlier now? :huh:
Web freaks need to be cautious as the Budget 2008-2009 has not been favourable for the software industry.

During his Budget proposals in the Lok Sabha on Friday, Finance Minister P Chidambaram proposed raising the excise duty on packaged software from 8 per cent to 12 per cent.

The finance minister took this step to bring packaged software on par with customised software.
Am waiting for the MSI P7N Diamond mobo, the distributor here in Delhi says he will have to wait for the Budget so as to check out for new duties.........hope the price does not go up :huh:
Taken from the link:

"I propose to increase the threshold limit of exemption:

• in the case of all assesses, from Rs.110,000 to Rs.150,000, thus giving every assessee a relief at a minimum of Rs.4,000. Consequently, the four slabs and rates will be as follows:

Up to Rs.150,000 NIL

Rs.150,001 to Rs.300,000 10 per cent

Rs.300,001 to Rs.500,000 20 per cent

Rs.500,001 and above 30 per cent

• in the case of a woman assessee, from Rs.145,000 to Rs.180,000;

• in the case of a senior citizen, from Rs.195,000 to Rs.225,000.


See Government of India : Union Budget and Economic Survey ([url]http://indiabudget.nic.in)[/url]

I havent calculated myself, but I believe the number should be right (44k savings)

not too much joy after all... guess this is wat it was all abt..

Information Technology & Communication sector

6.1 Packaged software hitherto attracted excise duty of 8%. This has been enhanced to

12%. There is no change in the excise duty on other software. Excise duty has been fully

exempted on Wireless data modem cards. Consequently, CVD shall also be exempted on

imported cards. However, 4% additional duty of customs will be applicable.

6.2 Specified convergence products viz. MP3/ MP4/ MPEG4 player having video and

audio reception facility have been provided a concessional excise duty of 8%.

a bit mroe.. same source

IT/Electronic industry:

21.1 A concessional duty of 5% (basic) is already available to certain electronic products

such as MP3 and MPEG4 players. This concession has now been extended to “convergence

products” i.e. MP3/ MP4 and MPEG player having audio and video reception facility.

21.2 Similarly, full exemption from basic customs duty is available to a large number of

raw materials/ inputs for manufacture of specified electronic/ IT products to provide a level

playing field to the domestic manufacturers of such products. This concession is now being

extended to more raw materials and inputs.

21.3 Set-top boxes are fully exempt from basic customs duty. Specified parts for the

manufacture of set-top boxes are also exempt from customs duty, on end-use basis. Two

more items viz. SMPS power board and IR module have been added to the list of exemptedmore items viz. SMPS power board and IR module have been added to the list of exempted parts.

and some mroe.... :)


4.5.1 In budget 2007-08, six separate taxable services (telephone, pager, leased

circuit, telegraph, telex and fax) related to telecommunication were merged into a

single taxable service namely telecommunication service. Telecommunication

service was comprehensively defined so as to include all services provided in

relation to telecommunication.

4.5.2 Telecommunication services are also provided through internet. Services

provided by any person in relation to internet telephony is leviable to service tax

[section 65(105)(zzzu)].

4.5.3 Proposal is to define comprehensively internet telecommunication service

and omit the present definition of internet telephony service. It may be noted that,-

(a) the present ‘internet telephony service’ shall get subsumed with in the

proposed ‘internet telecommunication service’ [section


(b) Internet telecommunication service includes,-

(i) internet backbone services, including carrier service of internet

traffic by one Internet Service Provider (ISP) to another ISP,

(ii) internet access services, including provision of a direct connection

to the internet and space for the customer’s web page, and

(iii) telecommunication services, including fax, telephony, audio

conferencing and video conferencing, provided over the internet.

4.5.4 Service provided by ISPs for accessing the internet through the computer

network shall be specifically covered under the proposed service. At present, this

service is covered under ‘On-line information and database access or retrieval
