41-50k Build for dev workstation [DONE]

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I usually have 2 systems so that I can switch over if there are any failures. I have yet to decide on which one to scrap out. Have given details of both below.
  1. What is your budget?
    • 45-50K (lower the better :))
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - AMD BE555 + Q6600
    • Motherboard - Biostar XXX + Gigabyte DS3P
    • GPU - On-board + ATI (I dont remember the exact details)
    • RAM - 2x2GB Patriot + 2X2GB Mushkin 800 DDR2
    • Monitor - 2 x Dell 2208WFP (one of them is dead now)
    • SMPS - Corsair VX450 + CX430
    • DVD writer 2 x LG
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • DVD writer
    • Power supply if it can fit new requirements
    • Samsung 840 Pro 128GB SSD - Already bought
    • 2x(2x8GB) Curcial Ballistix - Already bought
    • KB + Mouse
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU - FX83xx/A10-xxxx/i5(non-k models) - Need suggestions (would need vT & vT-d support)
    • Motherboard - A good stable board which is compatible with above. Stability and Linux compatibility is important
    • GPU - Ideally on chip/on board will do for me
    • HDD - Need a 1TB drive for storage
    • Monitor - Since I need one now, Dell 2312 looks good. Need height adjustment
    • Cabinet - Corsair 500R or 600T (open to suggestions)
    • SMPS - If VX450 or CX430 wont fit, would like to go for a good power supply
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • I usually keep my builds for 3+ years except below
    • HDDs as they fill up
    • I can postpone Monitor if I am constrained on budget
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Mysore
    • Bangalore
    • Open to online purchase (from FK/Snapdeal/similar)
  7. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • No
  8. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Development (Web apps + db heavy APIs)
    • Browsing
    • VMs - 2/3 at a time
    • Multi-tasking - will have multiple browsers+IDE+VMs+Word Processor running at the same time
    • Some times the system runs 24x7 for 2-3days
    • It will be used for 14-16hours daily
    • Watching HD movies
  9. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • CPU - Almost neutral with slight bias towards AMD. But dont want any compromise on performance + power consumption
    • Motherboard - I like Gigabyte and would like to avoid Biostar this time. Avoided Asus till now because of bad ASS, guess will consider it as its commonly available. Prefer ATX sized boards
    • Cabinet - I have a CM 3300 for one system and would like to have a good one for this so that I can re-use in future. Really like Corsair 600T, but willing to compromise on it if anything else needs priority
  10. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • N/A
  11. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Desktop - HD resolution would be better
  12. Are you looking to overclock?
    • No - I am looking for more stability
  13. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Ubuntu 12.04 for now
    • Planning vanilla Debian in near future
Few things -
1. Focus is on performance + power consumption
2. The budget is excluding SSD and RAM which I already have
3. CPU - I am confused between -
AMD FX - (1)need extra display card (2) Power consumption
AMD A10 - Really not sure if it fits my need. I need to use it for 3+ years
i5 - Haswell looks good in both performance and power consumption. Just want to make sure I am not missing any AMD alternative :)
Please suggest me on (1)CPU + Mobo (2) SMPS (3) Monitor (4) Cabinet in order of priority.
Suggestions on which older system to scrap out will also be helpful. Only -ve with AMD system is that I think the motherboard is a bit flaky. Q6600 is rock solid till now and havent had any problems, but feels a bit slow sometimes.
Have been doing some research and almost decided on FX 8350. Putting it crudely - What I need is a mule rather than a horse :) So had to compromise on power consumption.

But this opens another door. Will probably get a cheap display card to start with but will upgrade to a dual DVI one and plan to get back to dual display sometime next year.

Would like suggestions on PSU with the above change - will the present ones CX430 or VX450 suffice? or would I need to go for a better one?

I am back to this again -
In last month and a half, got Corsair carbide 400R
And see that Haswell prices have been somewhat better and more motherboards are available.
I feel that it would be better for me to go for i5 4670 with Gigabyte H87-D3H

Would need following suggestions. Plan to pull the trigger on few things by tonight or tomorrow.
1. Processor - i5 4670. Flipkart prices have shot up to 15.9k. Any other reliable place to buy? - Suggestions please
2. Motherboard - H87-D3H I guess this should be good enough for my use - ~8.3k
3. Will be using CX430 for now. Please do suggest if I need to upgrade - Suggestions please
4. HDDs - Plan to get it in few weeks. (Have couple of SATA II ones to test and get started)

For HDD -
1. Plan on getting a smaller capacity(~500gb or less?) faster drive which can be used for - swap + log + VMs - Suggestions please
2. 1TB drive for storage (WD blue?) - Suggestions please
Got all the essential things and here is the final list -
  • CPU - Intel i5 4670
  • Motherboard - Gigabyte H87-D3H
  • GPU - On CPU
  • Memory - Crucial Ballistix 1600 - 4x8GB
  • HDD - Samsung 840 Pro 128GB + WD Blue 1TB
  • Monitor - Postponed for next few months
  • Cabinet - Corsair 400R
  • SMPS - Corsair CX430
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