Building a new Rig


Building a new rig.

Will be buying most of it from Lamington Road.

My usage:

Virtual OS

Video Editing - 1080p

Gaming - Metro 2033,Crysis 2,Battlefield 3

Multi-taking - Multiple Games,Programs

Web - Like 20-50tabs

Multi-Display - Might do this in future,suggest separately for this


CPU - 2600k - DO i need 3930k?

Motherboard - Z68 - not decided which one - HDMI,DVI-D,USB 3.0,srt,LUCID LOGIX,7.1,etc

HDD - Which company reliability? - 3TB

Ram - 8gb - Should i buy 16gb,which brand?

GPU - 580,6970,7970 - full settings crysis2/battlefield3/metro2033,dual display - not decided

Case 600T White - Where can i get this in mumbai?

Monitor - LED IPS,24-27inch

Bluetooth Card - not decided

Wifi Card - not decided

Sound Card - needed?

Keyboard - Apple Wireless

Mouse - Magic Mouse

Optical Drive -

Router - Wifi N gigabit ethernet with indicators - not decided which one

Headphones - PS3 Wireless Headset

Speakers - not decided

Power Supply - How many watts and do i need 80+ RATING AND GOLD plated for long usages?

SSD - for SRT - should i go Hybrid Drive,SRT on board like gigabyte or SDD separately for SRT

Please answer the questions and suggest anything more
So just integrate this question in that thread instead of spawning multiple threads.

If that one was just where to buy from, why did you list out all your components?
So just integrate this question in that thread instead of spawning multiple threads.

If that one was just where to buy from, why did you list out all your components?

that thread is already wasted,anybody who comes gets putoff by the OP and thread being so complicated and then doesn't comment

comeon,jst start here and stop cribbing
ok now please give us ur budget first