Building First 50k Gaming Rig w/Template


Hey wassup guys, here is my template :-

Q: What is your budget?


Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)

System - Intex OEM DeskTop

CPU - Intel Dual Core 2.8 GHz
Motherboard - Asus unknown Model No.
GPU - On-Board
RAM - 1 GB
Monitor - AOC 17-inch
SMPS - No Name
Keyboard - Intex keyboard
Mouse - Intex Mouse, i-ball Freedom Wireless
Mousepad - CrossFire MousePad
Speakers - Intex OEM Speakers

Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)

Mouse - i-ball Freedom
MousePad - CrossFire MosePad
Speakers - Intex OEM Speakers

Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the
(component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.

Processor - AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE
MotherBoard - Any good mobo w/USB 3 , SATA 6.0 and Core Unlocker
Graphic Card - MSI GTX 560-Ti Twin Frozer II
RAM - Corsair Vengeance 4 GB 1600 MHz
Monitor - Any Budget Monitor w/ 1920x1080 res and good quality
HDD - Any budget-friendly HDD w/64mb cache and SATA 6.0 GBps 1TB
Cabinet - Any cabinet as long as it is a head-turner.
KeyBoard - Any solid wireless keyboard w/Multimedia Keys
Power Supply - Corsair GS600 600W
Optical Drive - LG DVD - RW

Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which

Never Upgrade

Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)

Raipur [ C.G. ]
TE Dealer [Optional]
Open to online purchase

Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market

Yes - Only Cabinet

Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware

HardCore Gaming
Download rig, 24x7 operation
Watching Full HD movies

Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.

Seasonic - Heard some very bad reviews of every product they have.
Cooler Master - Read that their PSU is not of gaming grade.

Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?

Call Of Duty Series
BattleField 3, Bad Company 2
BatMan - Arkham Asylum/City
Uncharted 1/2/3
Resident Evil 5
Ninja Blade
Ninja Gaiden Sigma/Black/II
Crysis 2
Saints Row Series
Little Big Planet 1/2
Gears Of War Series
F.E.A.R. Series

Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage

Gaming - 1920x1080
Desktop - 1920x1080

Q: Are you looking to overclock?

Yes, Only GPU core to 1000 MHz

Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?

Windows 7 64 bit

As you can see, i'm leaning more towards the AMD route because of the extra cores i will get by unlocking, since i will be using some apps that require more
cores rather then speed, and i will never overclock it, But EVERYTHING can be changed in the given config. as long as it fits the budget. I have been away
from intel for a few weeks, so i don't know which will work for me. one more thing, Can i sell the Intex Desktop on TE Market, if yes please tell the procedure.

Adios, Thanks in advance.
^^ Intel Core i5 2400 ~ 10500/-
Intel Core DH-67BL ~ 5800/-
MSi GTX 560 Ti Twin Frozr ~ 15500/-
Dell ST2220L ~ 8800/-
Any budget-friendly HDD w/64mb cache and SATA 6.0 GBps 1TB -- Forget about SATA III and get a Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 500GB [32MB cache] ~ 5000/-
NZXT Gamma ~ 2300/-
Any solid wireless keyboard w/Multimedia Keys + HardCore Gaming ~ doesn't add up -- get the TVS Gold mechanical keyboard, no lag ~ 1200/-
Corsair VX 550W ~ 4500/- OR TX V2 650W ~ 5200/- [the GS series is not cut out for over-clocking]
Rest your RIG is fine

Hope this helps, Sire. Cheers!

As you can see, i'm leaning more towards the AMD route because of the extra cores i will get by unlocking, since i will be using some apps that require more
cores rather then speed, and i will never overclock it.
-- No Phenom II quad-core processor can be unlocked, apart from OEM pieces such as the Zosma core based Phenom IIx4 960T, so sorry no dice there, plus overall Intel processors massacre AMD at every front, here is a benchmark RUN, gaming results + power consumption at the start -- AnandTech - Bench - CPU
ALPHA17 said:
^^ Intel Core i5 2400 ~ 10500/-

Intel Core DH-67BL ~ 5800/-

MSi GTX 560 Ti Twin Frozr ~ 15500/-

Dell ST2220L ~ 8800/-

Any budget-friendly HDD w/64mb cache and SATA 6.0 GBps 1TB -- Forget about SATA III and get a Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 500GB [32MB cache] ~ 5000/-

NZXT Gamma ~ 2300/-

Any solid wireless keyboard w/Multimedia Keys + HardCore Gaming ~ doesn't add up -- get the TVS Gold mechanical keyboard, no lag ~ 1200/-

Corsair VX 550W ~ 4500/- OR TX V2 650W ~ 5200/- [the GS series is not cut out for over-clocking]

Rest your RIG is fine

Hope this helps, Sire. Cheers!

But that's crossing my budget. i'm seriously on a very tight budget of 50k, suggest some other proccy !!! THNX
R0@CH said:
But that's crossing my budget. i'm seriously on a very tight budget of 50k, suggest some other proccy !!! THNX

How about disposing off your old system at the market section here or elsewhere? That should fetch you some dough. Get a cheaper keyboard maybe. Like the Samsung Pleomax or the usual Logitech USB multimedia KB. Works well with gaming. Splurge in the input devices later when you have the moolah. Alpha's given you a pretty good configuration. Performance wise I don't think you can get anything better for that money. Maybe a HD6850 GPU would cut it a notch lesser but that's about it.

R0@CH said:
Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?

Uncharted 1/2/3

Ninja Gaiden Sigma/Black/II

Saints Row Series

Little Big Planet 1/2

Gears Of War Series

These are titles exclusive to the PS3 or X360 (barring GeOW 1 and Saints Row 1). Cannot be played on the PC. Just in case, you missed that part.
Gannu said:
How about disposing off your old system at the market section here or elsewhere? That should fetch you some dough. Get a cheaper keyboard maybe. Like the Samsung Pleomax or the usual Logitech USB multimedia KB. Works well with gaming. Splurge in the input devices later when you have the moolah. Alpha's given you a pretty good configuration. Performance wise I don't think you can get anything better for that money. Maybe a HD6850 GPU would cut it a notch lesser but that's about it.

These are titles exclusive to the PS3 or X360 (barring GeOW 1 and Saints Row 1). Cannot be played on the PC. Just in case, you missed that part.

i'm already on it, still thinking about a usual usb keyboard, but definately not going to downgrade the GPU.

i already own gears of war 1 & 2, Ninga Gaiden sigma/black and uncharted 2, you just have to find harder, they are ported to PC by hackers and coders, i have PROOF !!!
R0@CH said:
i already own gears of war 1 & 2, Ninga Gaiden sigma/black and uncharted 2, you just have to find harder, they are ported to PC by hackers and coders, i have PROOF !!!

Wow that's a first for me then! :p

Have you actually played it on any system before?
R0@CH said:
But that's crossing my budget. i'm seriously on a very tight budget of 50k, suggest some other proccy !!! THNX

Minus the GPU, keep the cash, add some cash after some time, now get the GPU.
gudboy said:
Minus the GPU, keep the cash, add some cash after some time, now get the GPU.

by my list of games, you should have already guessed, i'm the type who might mistakingly buy a GTX 590 and cram it into my Desktop w/no name PSU and [BOOM]

be the headlines for the newspapers the next day titled "Gaming is injurious to health"

@GANNU we actually have LAN parties with friends, and yes i have played GOW 1 & 2 on Toshiba C-650 [college laptop] with all eye candy toned down [ a gamer ashamed to say this] on LAN.
R0@CH said:
@GANNU we actually have LAN parties with friends, and yes i have played GOW 1 & 2 on Toshiba C-650 [college laptop] with all eye candy toned down [ a gamer ashamed to say this] on LAN.

You have played GOW 1 & 2 using the PS2 emulator on the PC which is very much possible. With the X360 and PS3 titles, that's a nada! Anyhow I would love to be proved wrong. :)
R0@CH said:
i already own gears of war 1 & 2, Ninga Gaiden sigma/black and uncharted 2, you just have to find harder, they are ported to PC by hackers and coders, i have PROOF !!!
Seriously, whats you smokin' ?

Even more seriously , what am I smokin' ?
Just FYI, AMD 8 series SB chipsets have SATA 6 support but no Core Unlock tech, while the 7 series SB have core unlocker but no SATA 6 support. Of course, this stuff is relevant only if you go the AMD way.

IMO, rather than getting a wireless KB and mouse, go for a normal wired one, and buy a remote control for the PC. this will allow you to do the play/pause/etc stuff which you want to do, without needing to keep a bulky kb in your hand ;)

Also, keep the AMD Phenom 955 as your last option, pair it with a Gigabyte 880GM USB3 board. However, no SATA 6 support, though i doubt unless you get an SSD supporting SATA 6, you most likely will never use it to its full potential.

If possible, try to cram a Intel in that budget. Its worth every single penny, or as we call it here in India, every single paisa.