Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box Review

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I dunno i anybody has noticed the same, my friend ran burnout with ssoa enabled on his 4870 512mb.. when the conditions get foggy there seems to be an excessive occlusion at a distance..esp looking at the skies and trees..
without ssoa it is mindblowingly beautiful..
plz reply if anybody has similar occluded skies and all..
my 8600gt runs at 8x AA in 1024x768...
loved it... but still very arcadey feeling..
guess i got used to being competitive playing the pure simulation of GRID..
cant play online for now... hostel network suckz bigtime!!
Joel Toms said:
I dunno i anybody has noticed the same, my friend ran burnout with ssoa enabled on his 4870 512mb.. when the conditions get foggy there seems to be an excessive occlusion at a distance..esp looking at the skies and trees..
without ssoa it is mindblowingly beautiful..
plz reply if anybody has similar occluded skies and all..
my 8600gt runs at 8x AA in 1024x768...
loved it... but still very arcadey feeling..
guess i got used to being competitive playing the pure simulation of GRID..
cant play online for now... hostel network suckz bigtime!!

Same problem with my HD4870 1GB with SSAO enabled. No dip in frame rates at all. In foggy conditions, the trees and some distant objects start looking like glowing cardboards. Removing SSAO, the graphics look ultra beautiful.
BTW this ^^ at @1680x1050. All settings max.
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