Business card-sized SBC ships with Intel Core Tiger Lake or AMD Ryzen V2000 processor

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They come down in price after 3-4 years i.e. once the manufacturing matures and becomes mainstream.

This form factor is surprisingly good for a lot of diy usecases.
With all the chip shortage, how are they launching new products like these ? Irrespective of demand, pricing and supply will always remain an issue.
With all the chip shortage, how are they launching new products like these ? Irrespective of demand, pricing and supply will always remain an issue.
I do not think that Intel or AMD are actually consciously manufacturing these embedded chips. Rather, I believe, that these are binned failed/defective chips which they unfortunately can not add to their formal product line-up. So they just dump those chips into these kinds of products to at least recuperate some of the manufacturing costs.

AAEON is an associate company of Asus, hence they share the R&D as well as the logistics backend. I played with a wide variety of AAEON's UP-branded x86 SBCs in the past, and the similarities (firmware, chipset, etc.) were too large to ignore.

The chip shortage does impact the vendors across the globe, but AAEON is quite big compared to its competitors.
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