buy psp-Bangalore

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^ if you are not getting any official warranty/bill, its a gray piece. :bleh:

who knows whether its some chinese make or a stolen piece.

better buy from sony.

you can always flash to an official firmware if you want a replacement under warranty.

checkout if you can buy a cheap chinese battery for your psp.

then dl the appropriate software flasher to convert it into a pandora (beware, u'll not be able to use the battery for any other purpose).
@ nuke,

Dude i want buy the psp first then i would like to go for the memory stick. Does your friend know where can i get the psp?

Yo soy de ARGENTINA y un familiar esta por viajar a bangalore y me esta por comprar la PSP pero aun no sabemos el precio actual del 2010, el paquete basico por favor respondan... gracias de antemano.

I am from ARGENTINA and a family is traveling to bangalore and I buy this for PSP but still do not know the current price of 2010, the basic package please respond ... thanks in advance.

Jerermias, Salta, Argentina 09/10
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