Graphic Cards Buying 4770 ! Urgent help needed.


Hello all !

I Need a quick advice from all the experts here !

I am getting a MSI 4770 for 6600/- & Spahhire 4770 for 7300/- locally.

Please advice if i can go for MSI one and save 700 hundred bucks or should i go for Sapphire one which is comparetively expensive.

Please note that i would be overclocking this card,also i plan to go for an crossfire in furure, thus please advice accordingly.

also please suggest if i can crossfire 4770 of two different brands

Awaiting quick sugesstions
Thanks In advance
Wow yaar. U r getting MSI one for 6600 ? Cool. I think u can go for MSI only. I would choose MSI one, if comparision is between Sapphire & MSI.
^ Go for MSI one as both comprises same cooler only stickers are differnt :p and service wise also MSI is good.

Its preferable to use same brand for crossfire, though you can use different brand for crossfire
saqib_khan said:
Wow yaar. U r getting MSI one for 6600 ? Cool. I think u can go for MSI only. I would choose MSI one, if comparision is between Sapphire & MSI.

But how does it overclock compared to sapphire one.
We all know Sapphire makes the one of the best ATI cards. And considering the overclock both the MSI and Sapphire cards look exactly the same with same coolers. If you consider Customer support and everything else in hand, MSI doesn't compete with Sapphire anything else but Price.And not to forget a beautiful girl on every Sapphire product :p

Chew on this,this thing overclocks

And those temps at idle are good.
hash said:
We all know Sapphire makes the best ATI cards.

Really? I didn't knew that.

@tosh79, don't think, go for the MSI one. Overclocking ability of both will mostly be the same. However do search for some reviews via Google. That'll give u a fair idea of both.
If I had to make a decision here , since both cards are almost the same , I would go by warranty. After I did a little research the 4770 from Sapphire is almost the same one from MSI . MSI - > Worth it.

lso please suggest if i can crossfire 4770 of two different brands

Yes, you can. But they need to have same clock speeds. Otherwise the faster one will underclock itself to match the speed of the new Card. Better have the same brands.
Guys ! I turned out to be a hoaxed quote by the dealer :mad:! when i went to buy the same 2 nos ( as planning a crossfire) he did not have the stocks! Poor chap got very embaressed, Started building stories about the issue:(. and started trying to convience meto go for an highly overpriced XFX 4770.
tosh79 said:
Guys ! I turned out to be a hoaxed quote by the dealer :mad:! when i went to buy the same 2 nos ( as planning a crossfire) he did not have the stocks! Poor chap got very embaressed, Started building stories about the issue:(. and started trying to convience meto go for an highly overpriced XFX 4770.

exactly same happened with my friend too at Nehru place :p at that time, shopkeeper was offering him XFX 4770 @ 8.2k while MSI HD4770 was of 6.6k :S
111diablo111 said:
exactly same happened with my friend too at Nehru place :p at that time, shopkeeper was offering him XFX 4770 @ 8.2k while MSI HD4770 was of 6.6k :S

XFX although overpriced, uses really good custom cooler and oc much better. It uses a cooler similar to the one in 4870 and has memory cooling too unlike other brands.
dOm1naTOr said:
XFX although overpriced, uses really good custom cooler and oc much better. It uses a cooler similar to the one in 4870 and has memory cooling too unlike other brands.

n i heard that XFX HD4770 has higher bandwidth then oder brands too ^o
What BS!..

Are you trying to say BullSh*t? Lets try to respect everyone so things won't get ugly around here.

Anyway, You think MSI's is better than Sapphire in the GPU market? Go do some research before you declare facts BS.
Yes I meant bullsh1t! because claiming one brand makes the best card is idiotic..

A good card is one which gives good performance w/ a decent cooling solution at a decent enough price..

Giving a blanket statement like any brand be it galaxy/msi/xfx makes the best cards is just plain stupid..

you newcomers dont know jacksh1t :|
You don't make a mark in the Market with just one good Product. You need a certain consistency among all the products and Warranty , Support etc ... which is what I claimed.

If you consider that stupid , I consider you to be ignorant.
again more BS!.. TAG handles Galaxy's Warranty and ASS..

and AFAIR its not that great..

..and other brands like ASUS, Gigabyte, MSI, etc have not been consistent w/ their products?