Car & Bike Buying a used car (less than 2 L)

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Go for the i10 it is a more rewarding car to own and drive. The zen estillo was a failure for a reason it was maruti junk unreliable and unstable at speeds over 80 kmph.
Do bear in mind that once a car hits 40-60k km on the odo a lot of major clutch/engine troubles start.
True The k10 Series Engine is a failure in all maruti cars
I sold my Alto k10 in less than 2 months and a friend of mine who bought a estilo sold his brand new car in less than 6 months
Go for hyundai i10....Worth Every Penny u spend.
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Wagon R is good car for learner.Because of its high sitting position it offers great visibility. Also the car is very well suited for the congested city roads.
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