Buying from US - Best Deals - Discussion Thread

I want to buy Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro but Amazon is charging US$130 for shipping+duty on a US$200 product.

How can I get it at a reasonable price?
Some one was selling it here for 15k.
Other options are sns and i2c
That was not PRO version with lesser specifications without USB ports.

I guess sns and i2c will be more expensive. More custom duty for such establishments than an individual?
Guys, is iShop International still operational? Their website doesn't have a 'Quote Request' section anymore and neither is their phone (landline number) working.

Anyone used them lately??
This year no US deals for us, unless one pays the draconian customs, or have people working in there. Rahul's service is shut for the time being btw, and he isn't responding to any msgs either. Wish an alternative was there :(