Buying PS3 :: Firmware dillemma

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If you are buying from flipkart then you will definitely land up with a fw of 3.56 or higher...bought mine 2months back from flipkart and it had 3.56.
mandeep said:
If you are buying from flipkart then you will definitely land up with a fw of 3.56 or higher...bought mine 2months back from flipkart and it had 3.56.
Which bundle was yours? Move bundle or solo 160 or 320GB?
mandeep said:
If you are buying from flipkart then you will definitely land up with a fw of 3.56 or higher...bought mine 2months back from flipkart and it had 3.56.

Tough luck man. But I think indian_rulzz ordered his from Flipkart and his March '11 KZ3 bundle had 3.50 firmware.
Dinjo, thanks.....!

The shop where I picked mine has another Oct/2010. Let me know can forward their number off my invoice.
Hi frens,

Is it safe to buy 320gb PS3 with move bundle with import date of APRIL 2011. i don't want to risk myself in ending up with FW higher than 3.55 :)is

Please let me know, i need to buy it this weekend.....


Guys I bought a PS3 from US few months back. It is manufactured on Sep 2011. Is it possible to jailbreak it? Any good shop in Chennai? Please help. Thanks in advance.
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