Buying Ps3

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hey i have a sony 32inch bravia and lg32 inch jazz full hd lcd tvs.....on which should i play???????????????and iam currently playing in 1080p is it the best resolution for killzone???????or should i go to the 720p native of kz2?
i was pretty amazed by the ps3 online capability....kz2 online loaded prettyfast and worked without lags on a 256kbs wireless connection never expected it
hey guys are the sod and ylod still there in new ps3s arent they sorted out.......?i have the new 160gb cechp06 model.....
Buying ps3 or x box buy it from a known store instead of buying it from grey market.. If you need anything to be sorted you atleast have a warranty..
yash140 said:
hey i have a sony 32inch bravia and lg32 inch jazz full hd lcd tvs.....on which should i play???????????????and iam currently playing in 1080p is it the best resolution for killzone???????or should i go to the 720p native of kz2?

720p on anything lower then 40 inches.

Also for hard drive, 160gb is enough, if it gets full you can always purchase a bigger hard drive (PS3 is compatible with laptop hard drives), though you will need to backup your game saves for a hard drive switch.

As for YLOD, it is very rare but if it does happen Sony India will cover it as long as its the system from their region. This policy is global. US Sony won't touch a Japanese PS3 no matter what.
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