Show me a C program or two that you have written so far - on your own.johnie1 said:check out a book Beginning C: From Novice to Professional, 4th Edition
By Ivor Horton.Its a good book but before that go thro kanetkar's book.
iml3g3nd said:after reading many posts !!
i have seen that many recommending "introduction to algorithm" by cormen
and also read that for hardcore theres "art of programming" by knuth !!!
i took both of these books from the library just to read it.....
the first volume of the 5 volumes by knuth !!
cormens book was handling only algorithms and the efficiency of each algorithm in real time.
the donald knuth's book also started with algorithms and its efficiencies..
but this book was more illustrative and understandable than cormen's!!!
althou i couldnt understand ny math figures apart from induction .
nyways just askin the question is algorithm and study of its efficiencies and runtime via mathematical figures that important???
or can i just jump to programming part???
iml3g3nd said:can u guys recommend me a text book for c language??
i m currently using " let us c"
the book is quite good and simple but lacks example programs!!!
which other authors book should i get ????
Safin said:Personally i would recommend this one if you are doing it just for your engineering exam. The Waite Group's C Programming Using Turbo C++ by Robert Lafore (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris (The Waite Group's C Programming Using Turbo C++ - By Robert Lafore) The best as far as newbies to the language go.