C & Unix Inventor Dennis Ritchie Passed away :(

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Dennis Ritchie is dead. And he was far bigger than Steve jobs. Yes, he was a computer dude. You should know what he did. Long time ago, computers needed to be programmed (instructed) in zeros and ones to do anything. It was long and tedious thing to do as a result computers did very little and each computer understood a different set of patterns of 1s and 0s. There was no way, one could try writing even anything beyond simple calculators with 0s and 1s. So, he invented a computer language called C - an english like language, which could now instruct the computer to manipulate bits of 0s and 1s. What this lead to was, a huge, huge explosion in all sorts of amazing software that one could write. Then, he wasn't done yet. He wrote a really cool operating system called UNIX along with another guy. The cool thing was that UNIX was written in C, which meant, it could run on just about any computer (or even a single microchip). This made it so easy to get an operating system going on any computer and device. So, when you look at your iPhone, Android, Mac, Linux or even Windows computer, they are all written to the very last bit in C. What's more, they are all based on UNIX operating system. Behind the glitzy graphics of modern day gizmos, there is UNIX and C. In the last 40 years of computing, we have only realized that UNIX is the only game in town. Nothing has surpassed it. Do you know of any other software that has lasted this long? Anybody remember dBase? What made Dennis great is that he didn't wear his turtle necks and levi jeans and speak about how many apps were sold on his 'app store'. He wrote a book called the C programming language that remains one of the most lucid books ever written on computers and inspired millions of us hackers to start coding in C. When I am asked what do you do for a living? I have a ready answer - I am a C programmer. I might program for iPhone, Windows, Linux or Android. At heart, I am still following Dennis. He was the true genius of our times andcompared to him, Jobs was just a snake oil sales man.
Actually Unix first before C. It was written in some assembly language. And it was going along with development with C. As they realized C is so powerful they written entire kernel of Unix in C. Just to clear the facts :)

Agreed, he is the father of software industry.
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