User Guides C2D Buying Guide

C2D Buying Guide
This article is overclocker friendly.

With C2D Buzz on full swing on TE had to do this as so many peeps are confused on what to get and what not. This is a mini guide from us Mods to you members which will help you in decideing on what components to go in for to have that perfect rig. So here it goes. I have tried to break it up in four catagories.
Wannbe's Rig(Price range 17500-20000)
C2D 6300
Asrock 775 Twins
DDR 400 RAM/ DDR 2 533 RAM 1 GB KIT(Depends on the situation)

Swap board for MSI Neo 965 F Platinum for an extra 2500 bucks... You get a Dual channel support and more then that a 965 chipset. And if you are lucky enough maybe you will also get a new bios to go more that 333 FSB which btw is a wall for both MSI and Asrock.

Overclocked Gamer(Price range 30000-35000)
C2D 6400
Gigabyte DS3/ASUS P5B
DDR 2 667 RAM 2 GB KIT

Should you have another 5K to spare then you will be one confused person. You can either go in for a 965 chpset based Dlx mob(ASUS P5B Dlx/Gigabyte DQ6) or you can jump on a C2D 6600. Its a tough call. You can also invest in a better 800 DDR2 based RAM which will help you in attaining 1:1 Overclock as most 6400 will do 400 x 8 or more. You can also downgrade the CPU to 6300 save on a bit of money and go in for a better RAM at the same time.

Gamer with deep pockets(Price range 42000-45000)
C2D 6600
ASUS P5W DH/MSI 975 Power up edition
DDR 2 800 RAM(Loose latencies will be good)/DDR 667(Tight latencies) 2 GB Kit

It doesnt get better then this. Although you can downgrade to a 965 for maybe higer clocks but then again 6600 are not known to clock very high and 965 dont do X fire. Also 975 is a much tighter chipset. The only downer is that you have be really lucky to hit a 450 FSB here. The stock performace of this setup is as fast as AMD FX 62 setup. So if you are running this on stock also then too you dont have any problems.

The one they call "The Enthusiast"(Price range 6200-65000)
C2D 6700(Its a chip to get)
ASUS P5W DH/MSI 975 Power up edition
DDR 800 RAM with tight latencies
Watercooling setup(Optional)

Now you dont need anything else other then a bit of luck. Most 6700 are binned and they clock really well. You would really have to have bad luck to not have a system which should be able to do atleast 3.8G to 3.9G.

Ofcourse you need to have good cooling with each of the above mentioned setups. But a overclocker already knows that. Also remember i have tried to put in components that compliment each other. One getting a 6300 CPU with a 975 based board is not a very wise choice as histroy proves that. Also no point going in for a 965 based board with 6600 and up as you wont able to pull off a 500FSB as 6600 is not a chip known for that and also you need to have some really exotic cooling to run it stable at those speeds. Keep all the factors in mind before going in for a setup. The components have to compliment each other. If you are on a tight budget then there is no harm in opting in for a slower RAM. There is no shame in using dividers. But 1:1 Overclocks are always better. Otherwise you do loose a bit of performance which maybe your RAM or your chip could do. I would again like to mention this " One should invest in a good cooling solution". It does not need to be exotic but it should do the job well. Lots of peeps ignore this fact which is a shame.

Other Components which can go along with the system:

Gfx Cards
Palit GF 7600GT 8500

Samsung 740N LCD 11000
Viewsonic 19" Widescreen LCd 15000
viewsonic 20" Widescreen VX2025WM 23000

Seagate 160 GB 3600
Maxtor 250 GB 4300
Seagate 300 GB 5000

Powersafe 400 Watts 1600
Dont expect too much from Ati and nVidia as ATi is sold and i doubt AMD would want an amazing chipset out for Intel by them. And even if ATi do deliver a great chipset you wont be able to get support for it. Just like what happened with ULi when it was taken over by nVidia.

And what should i say about nVidia. The company has potential but again dont expect nVidia to comeup with something great. Intel Sli chipsets were never a talking point.

Also one should realize that when it comes to Intel the senario changes totally. It is not like AMD where one makes the chip and the other makes the chipset for it. One should remember that Intel is the best when they develop chipsets for thier own chip. History proves that quite clearly. IMHO dont expect too much out of nVidia and ATi. And IIRC intel is not coming up with a new chipset anytime soon now. Infact a chipset launch is scheduled for sometime mid next year.
Why didnt u mention the P5LD2-VM in the Wannabe's Rig?? And could any1 tell me difference between "P5LD2-VM SE" and "P5LD2-VM"?? I can see that P5LD2-VM has one extra IDE compared to the SE one?? Are both of them available and can any tell me the price difference between the 2 boards ??

Also I found "Intel BOXDG965SSCK" be a very good buy... Does any1 know the pricing of this board in India, coz I see it sells for $120 in the US?? :huh:
I thought you are talking about ASUS workstation well... And i did mention that and it is P5B Dlx not P5LD Dlx...
Anish, its the P5B Deluxe, not the P5LB :S... Lol.

Yup, its quite readily available now. Rashi imported it, and has been distributing it to others. Even though, its in small no's.
Can U please list the remaining components viz. monitor , graphics card, etc as I am planning to build a new system for my friend:) :) :) :) :) :) :D
hmmm... Okey will update the origial post with other details...

@ edit: Added few prices... let other mention prices here i will update the complete rig specs...
Another one plans to join the Conroe bandwagon.

I plan to build this rig over the next six months or so. Right now, I have a budget of around 40-50K and plan to get:

1. Good motherboard (Asus P5W? Intel Badaxe?)
2. Good processor (E6600-is it available easily?)
3. Decent and cheap workable RAM for now, I'll get better RAM from abroad if I need them
4. A graphics card which can take care of a 20-24 inch screen for normal desktop work and video playbacks. I'll wait for the DX10 cards to appear and the resultant price drops of the current gen cards.
5. Power supply and case

Rest of the stuff (Optical drive, HDD, keyboard, mouse, monitor) I have.

Currently this will be a work rig, but later, with better RAM and graphics card, I may use it for more demanding stuff.

But no Overclocking planned.

Any advice regarding the config will be highly appreciated.
Count_Down said:
Another one plans to join the Conroe bandwagon.

I plan to build this rig over the next six months or so. Right now, I have a budget of around 40-50K and plan to get:

1. Good motherboard (Asus P5W? Intel Badaxe?)
2. Good processor (E6600-is it available easily?)
3. Decent and cheap workable RAM for now, I'll get better RAM from abroad if I need them
4. A graphics card which can take care of a 20-24 inch screen for normal desktop work and video playbacks. I'll wait for the DX10 cards to appear and the resultant price drops of the current gen cards.
5. Power supply and case

Rest of the stuff (Optical drive, HDD, keyboard, mouse, monitor) I have.

Currently this will be a work rig, but later, with better RAM and graphics card, I may use it for more demanding stuff.

But no Overclocking planned.

Any advice regarding the config will be highly appreciated.

1) If you dont plan to overclock a motherboard like the MSI 965 P Neo-F or Gigabyte 965P-S3 is enough. If you desire more features though an Asus P5B Deluxe or P5WDH Deluxe would be great
2) Yea the E6600 is available and currently i would say one of the best C2D choices. Around 17k.
3) Transcend DDR2-667 1 GB sticks are available for about 5.5k. Corsair Value RAM is also available but prices have gone up i believe.
4)For non gaming uses pretty much any card will do. But id recommend a Geforce 7300 GT/7600 GS or Radeon X1300/X1600 series(ATI preferred)
5)Depends on rest of config and budget
Thanks a lot. Those are very useful tips.

BTW, what do you guys make of this comment?
"One area where you can cut performance a little without too much of an impact on subjective performance is the processor. Core 2 Duo is typically so fast that most people simply don't need anything more than the base model. If you want to pay $50 to upgrade to the E6400, that's a reasonable choice, but anything beyond that and you get greatly diminished return on your investment." in Anandtech DELL XPS Review (AnandTech: Dell XPS 410: Core 2 Duo for the Masses)