PC Peripherals Cabinet Hunting

I am looking for PC Cabinet within 5k. The budget is expandable upto 6.5K for exceptional cases (pun intended). Come on, everyone who thinks their PC Cabinet is best for its money..Please post..And everybody else who is eyeing something that they would love to get their hands on....Also please post.......My only expectation is an ATX cabinet which should be easy to use. Installing , Uninstalling motherboard...cable management etc. all should be not too difficult. Basically, space should not be cramped as much as possible..I have a Sapphire Dirt3 HD 6950 10.5" graphic card and a Noctua NH-U12P SE2 cpu cooler...
Can anyone tell what benefits a Full Size ATX Tower has against Mid Sized ATX Tower?.....I know both can take an ATX motherboard .....Does a full size cabinet has any other benefit apart from being more spacious?