PC Peripherals Cabinet + SMPS suggestions.

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Hi, My specs as of now are i3 2100 , H61 series mobo, hard disk 1 TB SATA , ram 4GB DDR3 1333 ,ATI 5450 1gb graphics card, internal TV tuner card 24X DvD writer, Benq G2222HDL 22inch monitor,Altec Lansing VS2611,

The Shop owner is providing some shady Cirle Cabinet + SMPS for 1475 Rs , and since most of the problems I have had in the past have been the SMPS going Kaput, I am thinking of investing in a decent branded one. Suggestions as to what wattage SMPS would suffice and models?

Also, will going for a branded cabinet help ? suggestions here also are appreciated.
I guess budget is around 3.5 K for cabinet+ smps but thats like stretching it to the maximum.
Conditions would be like any normal home environment. (No airdonditioning )
^^ Okay get the NZXT Gamma / Cooler Master eLite 310 ~ 2100/- / 1500/- + Gigabyte Superb 460W ~ 1900/-.

I wouldn't really recommend the eLite 310 in front of the NZXT Gamma but for budgets sake. Also here are a few relevant links to the matter --

Antec Earthwatts 380W vs Gigabyte SUPERB 460W PSU!! - Power-Supplies-PC-Cases-Case-Mods - CPU-Components

NZXT Gamma Review » Page 6 - Conclusion - Overclockers Club

Cooler Master Elite 310 Review » Page 6 - Conclusion - Overclockers Club

As you can see for a price difference of ~600/- Rupees, the Gamma is a world of difference.
Alpha17 suggestions are perfect... @thedesolator : I think you are from thane, I can get you a NZXT gamma at 1900/-... Gigabyte superb 460 or FSP saga 400 should be minimum you should look for... cabinet + psu = 1900 + 1900 = 3800

Or else get a zebby bijli @1350 and any of the above mentioned psu = 1350+1900 = 3250
Get the Zebronics Bijli cabinet----Rs1500 to 1600/-(Side 2 x 80 mm fan, front 1 x 120 mm blue fan)(while NZXT Gamma has only 1 rear fan)

And COrsair CX 430----- Rs2100/-(Highly recommended)

Total is around---------------Rs 3600/-
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