PC Peripherals Cache n Buffer = wat r they ?

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:D Me again :D

Another stupid doubt popped up :ashamed:....

Guyz - u brilliant mindz....

Cud u all plz explain to me abt the CACHE n BUFFER things ? Wat r they supposed to mean ? :huh:

How r they diff from each other ? :huh:

Do a bigger cache n buffer size always mean better performance ? :huh:

Modz - I am not spammin, these are genuine doubts.

- I am not sure where to put this thread...hop I got it rite or else plz do the necessary - tnx for it :) :cool2:

Tnx to one n all....... :clap:
Hard drive cache/buffer helps in performance. As the name suggests, it buffers the data retrieved from the disk platters. Simply put bigger cache/buffer = more performance at same RPM.
Hey Men,

SO whatever be the instrument we r usin , be it HDD or DVD drive/writer , processor , or anything for tht matter.....Higer cache or buffer means better performance ?

Is ther ne diff bet'n the cache n buffer techonology ?

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