Call of Duty 4 (graphics)

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Does anyone know the cheapest graphic card that can play Call of Duty 4 on almost full settings with smooth gameplay?

I have X1300 (512MB) 400Mhz, and it cant even handle "shadows".
Is there anyway that I can use X1300 to someone make the game more smooth with just "shadows" option.
Nitari said:
8600gt can run this game at full glory ..try getting a mercury one which retails for 3k

nVIDIA 8600gt? how many MB?...thankz.....but any advice before buying a new graphics card?

Anything I can try to make it smooth, all I want is Shadows
I was going to buy:

Diamond ATI HD2600XT Video Card (PCI-Express, 512MB), GDDR2, 800MHz

for HD movies, will this run Call of Duty 4 smooth?
^^Its better if u go for the mercury 8600gt .I Think it completely beats the card mentioned by you and even gives u some room for the forthcoming Games.
I have Visiontek hd2600 , 512 mb ddr-2 . It is good for HD movies and i played COD4 on it with all default settings , i played a few months ago and didn't bother to test high settings . Are the shadows on by default ? I remember it ran perfectly in default game settings .
Is Pentium 4 HT 3.0Ghz enough to play COD 4 and for about how long will it be before pentium 4 HT will not be able to play newer games?
compaq12 said:
Is Pentium 4 HT 3.0Ghz enough to play COD 4 and for about how long will it be before pentium 4 HT will not be able to play newer games?

man check my above post shows the performance of cod4 on different systems

and about pentium 4 HT,it is not capable of running newer games (at least at full glory ) now a days dual core cpus are considered minimum for gaming

that performance review figure this out


Ditch the single-core processor. Call of Duty 4 requires a dual-core processor to run well. We tested three different kinds of Intel processors and three AMD processors to help you decide what's enough versus what's overkill.
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