Got my copy & spent couple of hours in single player campaign (playing in veteran mode) also spent sometime with the multiplayer mode too. This is the first time I am playing a COD on console.
My views so far.(for those who are thinking to pick up the console (especially ps3) version.)
Single player
No comments on the story since I have not completed it yet but I feel that the presentation is good.
The game does not look that bad as it looks on those videos (maybe due to compression). In fact the game looks beautiful in some stages. However there are some places where you can easily spot the poor textures,geometry...etc (eg: multiplayer character customization screen). The game has been toned down a bit below the ps3 standard. Maybe it was done to make it run at 60 fps which is good for multi player.
The game play is smooth & the controls are easy too. The sound is awesome if you have a 5.1 system it will feel like a theater! The movements are fast & almost gives a bit of realistic feeling at some places!
The differences between the ps3 & ps4 versions are textures, some facial details & few not so important weapon effects (blasting). Apart from these there is nothing much. On the other hand as I had mentioned before both the xbox versions looks better .
The multiplayer has been refined & its interesting Indeed. You can customize your character,class,abilities etc (Similar to cod ghosts.). As usual it also has a co-op mode too.
During my online play combining both co-op & multiplayer I found the game smooth most of the time. Though once I encountered few hiccups or lags during a team death match I don't know the reason but apart from that it was okay for rest of the time.
Overall I would say it looks good, plays good & it seems this game has been made especially keeping the multiplayer in mind. I still cannot say if it is completely worth the money (need some more time) but I can say you will love it if you
1. Are a cod fan
2.Need a break from battlefield.

3. Love multiplayer.