Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Discussion Thread

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mathrisk said:
Will this gonna run on HD6450 (plus Q2D 8200/2gigs ram) - even on minimum resolution?

Crysis 1 runs (not smoothly though) on it.

I wanted to buy the game - only for the MP. But I'm not sure if my gpu can handle this - and 2500 bucks is just too much to waste (!!). ;)

dont buy for mp. mp is the waste in this one.
Began the title yesterday and have had some progress. I'll briefly comment on my impressions, beginning with the bad ones first. Please take them with a pinch of salt! Like some guy who trolled on various forums about this one being a new map for MW2 (jecelecter had posted it before), I think I may have to concur with that one. This iteration doesn't feel like a new game on any account. Visuals look exactly the same I had played on MW2 almost 2 years back with the 'new and improved' IW 5 engine (as the devs. put it) not bringing anything new to the board. A direct comparison to the FB2 engine used in BF3 would be blasphemous and harsh! Talking about similarities with MW2, the menus, the loading screens with the briefing system in place, sounds and tracks, playing as multiple characters across the several campaign, the HUD, the on-screen violence among others, appear to be exactly the same as what MW2 offered. Lack of innovation in the game is very clear. IMO instead of releasing the game as MW3, they should have outed this as some sort of expansion pack or like how Starcraft II is being developed based on the multiple factions. This would have garnered fairly lesser criticisms from the reviewers and folks of the other camp as well.

The story continues where MW2 concluded. General Shepherd is killed and a severely wounded Soap MacTavish and Capt. Price is evacuated from Afghanistan by Nikolai when he arrives at the scene with a chopper. The trio head to Himachal Pradesh where Nikolai's friends have camped at a safehouse and Soap is given medical treatment. In the meantime, Makarov - the primary antagonist of the series who has fled the scene, has his men attack the camp. It is then that we step into the shoes of Yuri and aids the three in safely escaping out of the country when the attack ensues.

But what MW3 excels like its predecessors did is in the gameplay department which ensures a thrilling and an engrossing ride, no matter how bad the storyline or the visuals are or unless one is hellbent on finding the flaws in the game or pitting against BF3. If you found the F/A-18F Super Hornet gameplay in BF3 to be good or assisting Capt. Price escape from the Russian Gulag or the snowmobile ride in MW2 to be gripping, wait until you play this one! You are in for some epic rides in the game with tonnes of OMG moments thrown in. There are plenty of brilliant set pieces in the game. I wouldn't want to spoil it for those who haven't attempted the game yet. The campaign is super fun.

As they say, all good things must come to an end, and I for one am glad that Activision decided to end the MW series with this one and not drag it any further. Like I mentioned before, they should have released the game as an expansion pack for MW2 or the continuation of the game with a TBC note mentioned at the end of MW2. They shouldn't kill the IP which has garnered a lot of interest among FPS and war-based shooter fans and should probably concentrate on the WW based battles.

quan chi said:
Anyone getting very very low performance on ati.:-[

Runs absolutely flawless with every setting maxed out. Image quality is set to 'native'. Read somewhere that this setting gives the best IQ. Texture issues are also resolved this way.
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Just completed the game and it had a seriously mind-blowing finale! Guys do yourself a favor, keep aside all this BF vs MW rants and attempt it for the heck of the short campaign. Aman and jecelecter, this applies to you guys as well. Just in case. :P

Clocked 6 hours and 15 minutes on the normal difficulty mode. I am sure the pros here can beat it under 5. This isn't any GOTY material the way I see it. Heck there are several other worthy contenders for that. But definitely a thrilling ride and the last few chapters will keep you glued to your seats.

Btw the last mission:

That hotel at Dubai - is that the Burj Al Arab? When Price grabs onto that ledge and we get a glimpse of the ground, it did look like the Burj Al Arab. Same goes for the helipad as well. :P

Reviews like that, is what keeps us going. Though finding the SP of BF3 damn monotonous an laborious. Will try this out. Thanks.
Gannu said:
Just completed the game and it had a seriously mind-blowing finale! Guys do yourself a favor, keep aside all this BF vs MW rants and attempt it for the heck of the short campaign. Aman and jecelecter, this applies to you guys as well. Just in case. :P

I'll most definitely play it, wait for the game to magically come on my hard drive from Gujarat! :P
I am waiting for a more "streamlined" release. I am a sucker for action flicks, which is what it is. Mixed with some left mouse clicks here and there.
Finished the game this weekend. I think Gannu Pretty much covered all the pros/cons in his post.

But the ending was clichéd and dull. Since MW3 was last in the series they should have put some epilogue to give it that epic ending!

But I liked the game nevertheless. More than a game it was an action flick, Specially in the first few levels. This & BF3 are not the perfect games to me but they surely can't be missed & I am glad I finished both. :-)
just uninstalled mw3 i dont know if this game hates me.I was getting 0-15fps no matter what i do.Even In the lowest settings the game was giving some 30fps but still stuttering sometimes.

It seems very few persons are facing this problem couldnt find any solution yet.:(
Hi All,

Im facing a very unusual problem with MW3. When my friends add me to their party and try and join a match, they manage to join the server whereas i get disconnected. Worst still, my internet gets disconnected automatically. This is the first time I have faced such an issue with any game. Has anyone faced the same problem? The message says. " Disconnected from IMW server"
Completed the game a few minutes back and it was pretty good. Wouldn't rate it higher than the first game, but still enjoyable. The end was kick-ass. Can't believe how short this was, completed it in 2 full sittings. :P
Ethan_Hunt said:
Completed the game a few minutes back and it was pretty good. Wouldn't rate it higher than the first game, but still enjoyable. The end was kick-ass. Can't believe how short this was, completed it in 2 full sittings. :P

how long was each sitting?!
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