Come on people its COD 5 and the game is really gonna pawn more than the grafix the story line and game play is extremely addictive in all COD series and grafix has also never been the strong point of any COD game.
^You gotta be kidding me. COD 4 had set a benchmark for all the COD games in terms of it's graphics enhancement. Infinity Ward has always paved a new ground for COD series. I have never experienced COD 3 & Treyarch's attempt on it. Though gameplay is an important factor, I would still consider graphics as an equally toned aspect of any game. Looking at the multi-player demo it didn't look much promising but I could be wrong & the single player might be totally different. Will wait till tomorrow & let you guys know.
played the game yesterday ...near that airfield mission ... well ..this game looks like call of duty 2.5 (if not 1.5 ) ... the high standards set by infinity ward makes this a sort of "could hav been better" types ... and the world war theme is itself used so many times that it is becoming a bit boring ... although they hav added the japan vs US angle which is comparatively new ... but still as i said could hav been better ... despite the linear gameplay of all the cods the gfx of this one are not up to the mark ... even the trees look outdated ... the forest and vegetation feels as if iam watching a painting on some dusty calender :\ ... still its too early to comment anything coz its only the first few missions i hav completed ... lets see how it goes from here ...
Do you guys realize that this game has not officialy been released and by posting screenshots and discussing about the gameplay you are admitting to own the pirated copy?
u never know if there is a developer on board or a hands on previewer giving a preview and even the cod4 site has gameplay screens and videos ... @ hammerhead .. too much pirates of Caribbean movies ?? :rofl: