Call of Duty World At War OUT!!!

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well its not infinty ward ..the next cod will be cod :modern warfare 2 developed by infinity ward was announced long ago ...
depends.... i am game for playing the game on WW2 theme....

the guns and theme settings of WW2 is something that i like and COD series has been the best to experince that.... :)
Cant wait to get my hands on this.

and i agree the WW2 theme does seem interesting to play (remember CoD2?)
Just completed the first Level. The game is exactly a COD 2 rehash with better graphics. You can call it COD 2 with COD 4 engine. The same amount of action & same gameplay elements. Nothing seems to have changed. Even the weapons are exactly the same. The cut-scenes are done pretty realistically & has a good amount of gore in them. The intro level was to escape & destroy the Japanese fortification at Makin Island. The level started out with me having a standard pistol & then went to to grab M1A1 Thompson, Nambu 14, M1 Garand, Arisaka etc. The graphics are pretty good but nothing different then COD 2. The ground textures seem flat & no signs of bump mapping anywhere.

The sound is a bit disappointing this time as the audio effects seemed a bit dull or may be I didn't turn up the volume too much. The intensity is extremely high. Currently playing with everything high @1280x1024 & retaining 38Fps & goes upto 60Fps. I guess it not that optimised as COD 4 as the frame drop really bad at times when there are high amount of explosions. But not such a big deal as it will always stay above 35Fps which is more than enough for me.

This is just the first level impression but I guess the next levels will add some flavour. This game has nothing new, I repeat, it doesn't have anything new. Except the storyline may have shifted to yet another chapter of WWII but it's practically US against the entire world thingy. :D

Here are some screens:

More updates as and when we completed the game. :D
Hey guys,

This installment of the game is not COD5 as someone mentioned here. COD5 is supposed to come nxt year.
This is probably just a intermediate, call it COD4.1 :bleh:

Wait for COD5 and then tell me that the graphics are not good...:ohyeah:

BTW someone mentioned skullptura...the name sounds familiar but the videos suck in his releases...:ashamed:
The game has really started to get more intense now. I am on Level 3 in Germany sniping mission. Excellent level design & now they have started sending in the dogs in too. The dialogue delivery is spot on. Forget the impressions of the multiplayer & get this game. It's a must play.
after that the american mission ..back to the same shit from where we started ..but +1 for the russian sniper mission ..amazing!!
Sound interesting. ^ BTW Russian or german sniper missions? How would anyone compare this game to Medal of honour airbourne?
Sound interesting. ^ BTW Russian or german sniper missions? How would anyone compare this game to Medal of honour airbourne?
My bad it was Russia indeed. Stalingrad, Russia to be precise. The level after that was in Germany.

Medal of Honor Airborne was on the similar lines but the combat was restricted to a close grouped area. This is a whole wider area we are dealing with & the enemy concentration is fairly large. Since I haven't completed this game can't compare it fully but it's pretty much the similar to airborne except your Infantry unit isn't airborne. ;)
Just finished it. Awesome game guys. Some levels are really nice. In one level you gotta shoot Kamakazi planes with huge machine guns fitted inside an aircraft. Its really awesome. The cutscenes have some real WW-II footage ....... looks good. Must play for all!!
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