Call of Juarez: The Cartel - Discussion thread

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capcom gave away dmc and operation racoon city to other developers.I think racoon city would still be bearable but cant say the same for the former.
Completed the game a few minutes back and it was just as I suspected, disappointing. Believe me when I say this, it had the potential to be a good game, but was marred by amateurish script and dialogues. It seemed as if someone just wrote the lines in less than 30 seconds. The amount of F-Bombs dropped in this game would even put Kane & Lynch to shame. The storyline was the only thing, which I feel, worthwhile in this god-forsaken game. The gameplay was generic and nothing to write home about. Graphics were a complete mess on the 360. It's extremely blurry and makes it look like a PS2 title. Half the time you can make out who's shooting and from where are the bullets coming in. As soon as you zoom-in to get a good look, texture pop-in occurs. Talk about an engine upgrade. PC users, don't lay much hope on this game. Anyway, I was about to write a full review of it, but backed out, since it didn't deserve that. I hope Techland learns from this mistake and we can hope for a new franchise now. Bound in Blood is as far as you can get with a Call of Juarez experience.
Kudos to u Ethan for completing the game . I just gave up half way / switched to DMC-IV / MW-II and Bound in Blood . Playing the BIB in hard mode and loving every moment of it . I regret playing Cartel . Disgusting game / played the xbox version and graphics were yuck .
@ Ethan - Thanks for impressions.

It worries me as i'm sure this'll receive another sequel and a fantastic series like red faction is abandoned.
It was pretty decent, considering how all the other aspects of the game, failed on every count (not sure about multi-player). I felt each character's individual back stories could have been explored a bit more. Since my play-through was with Ben McCall, his prior history in Vietnam was told in bits and pieces. The story was easily cooked-up for a high octane action flick, but the dialogues made it look like a B-grade movie. The production values were extremely low for this game. They could have refined it by reducing the amount of swearing, removing cheesy lines and eliminating some side characters, who didn't add a dime to the game.
Ethan_Hunt said:
It was pretty decent, considering how all the other aspects of the game, failed on every count (not sure about multi-player). I felt each character's individual back stories could have been explored a bit more. Since my play-through was with Ben McCall, his prior history in Vietnam was told in bits and pieces. The story was easily cooked-up for a high octane action flick, but the dialogues made it look like a B-grade movie. The production values were extremely low for this game. They could have refined it by reducing the amount of swearing, removing cheesy lines and eliminating some side characters, who didn't add a dime to the game.

This was completely opposite in Bound in Blood
Exactly. Which makes me wonder, if it's really Techland who made this game or some other company posing as Techland. :P
The game has finally been released for the PC and as was expected from the PS3 and X360 reviews, the game has garnered retarded reviews on ALL the platforms!

I am beginning to wonder if Dead Island would be any good now.

R.I.P. Call of Juarez series!
Just read the review on IGN for this game... seems it's rather poor, only managed to get a 4.5 rating on 10 overall. :(
Is anyone playing the PC version. Am done with couple of levels and its no where near the earlier COJ series. Loved the previous 2 games. But this one has messed up gameplay and the shooting dynamics. Gameplay is also getting repetitive. Will give it few more hours. Not sure if i will continue and finish the game.
swordfish123 said:
Is anyone playing the PC version. Am done with couple of levels and its no where near the earlier COJ series. Loved the previous 2 games. But this one has messed up gameplay and the shooting dynamics. Gameplay is also getting repetitive. Will give it few more hours. Not sure if i will continue and finish the game.

It really sucks, don't expect much.
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