PC Peripherals Calling all Benq 1640/1650 owners!!

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Well i a have the 1640 and DRU 810A....and just got a brand new 1650 for 2.8k 2 days back.
All 3 drives are on diff machines :D :D :D

I havent compared the burns from the 3 drives yet...afaik only Nikhil has a 1650 and he didnt get decent burns initially....

So i wanna compare the 1640 n 1650.....will test the drives with same media tonite...until then if some1 has any info please post it here
Thanks guys.
^Check the media scans thread..I've posted a bunch of scans with my 1640.

To tide you over:



i've got a 1640 but i don't know what those media scans are for and i'm not sure of how i can test my drive to see if its performing well. could someone please link me to a thread or an article that explains this stuff?
well this is the first scan from the 1650....

looked pretty good until the last part spoilt the fun!! god knows wat caused this....

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