From last several days I'm planning to buy dual-core android phone.There are only handful of dual-core phones available in the market like Galaxy S2,Sensation and Optimus 2X. Out of these only Optimus 2X seems to be affordable(@24.3k).
Lot of TE members may be interested in buying this phone.But there are lots of complaints regarding the phone.So I want to know how many of 2X owners facing problems like reboot,freezing,BSOD(Black Screen of Death) ,Battery Drain etc.Also let us know the specification like
Android version:
BaseBand version:
Kernel version:
Custom Rom Name(if used):
Updates/Patches version:
Phone manufacturing month/year:
Memory Card Capacity,Class,Company:
Purchased from(online/local shop/..etc):
Hope answers to these queries will help future owners of O2X.
From last several days I'm planning to buy dual-core android phone.There are only handful of dual-core phones available in the market like Galaxy S2,Sensation and Optimus 2X. Out of these only Optimus 2X seems to be affordable(@24.3k).
Lot of TE members may be interested in buying this phone.But there are lots of complaints regarding the phone.So I want to know how many of 2X owners facing problems like reboot,freezing,BSOD(Black Screen of Death) ,Battery Drain etc.Also let us know the specification like
Android version:
BaseBand version:
Kernel version:
Custom Rom Name(if used):
Updates/Patches version:
Phone manufacturing month/year:
Memory Card Capacity,Class,Company:
Purchased from(online/local shop/..etc):
Hope answers to these queries will help future owners of O2X.